Why get a colour analysis consultation?

Have you ever wondered what colours you look your best in?

Perhaps you’ve seen loads of videos lately about #colouranalysis and you’re curious about what ‘having your colours done’ actually means! (I’ve covered why the resurgence  in popularity here and also the Tok Tok craze explained here.)

Everyone can wear every colour, but not every shade of every colour will suit you the same. If you’ve been experimenting with colour, or found that certain colours did look good on you, and now no longer do, colour analysis could be a worthwhile investment.

Wearing colour successfully is about understanding the different characteristics of colour and their association with your features. Essentially; what’s the impact of the colour against your features?

As a Colour me Beautiful consultant, I’ve been offering colour analysis consultations at my studio in Wakefield since 2011. Rather than the four ‘seasons’, a ‘tonal’ approach is used. Having been first analysed as a season 20 years ago, I’ve found it much easier to explain to clients and for them to understand.

If you want your wardrobe to work harder and waste less money on clothes that don’t suit you, a colour analysis is the solution.

What happens during a colour analysis consultation?

When you join me in the studio, I have a table with 145 precision-dyed coloured fabric sheets called ‘drapes’. The drapes don’t lie! They show you (and me) the impact that the colour has against your features. When you understand this, you can then learn how to wear it successfully, and with ease.

To the untrained eye, mistakes can often be made choosing colours, which is something I’ve covered in more detail here. Should the colour wash you out, make your skin muddy-looking, sallow or blotchy, or your look tired, then it isn’t right for you. When you compare it to a shade which balances out your complexion, harmonising with your features, make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow, it should be no contest! Having to work hard to make it look right, is a tell-tale sign that it’s not right for you and is something I’ve covered here.

Flattering tones in clothes and makeup

Because there are so many shades of a colour, seeing the impact that the colour has against your features is the best way of assessing if the colour is right for you.

During a Complete Colour Analysis Consultation, I’ll use the fabric to ‘test’ for your full colour type. This way you get a personalised palette of colours which are refined to compliment you the most. Your colour type is made up of three elements – depth, undertone and clarity.

‘Getting your colours done’ can be transformational. Check out my client testimonials: https://www.tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk/reviews-page/

Wearing your colours is more than just what colours to wear, but how to wear them. Plus, it’s not just your clothes, but your accessories and your makeup too. That’s why an application of makeup is applied during my Complete Colour Analysis Consultation too, so you get to sample the cosmetic shades which compliment you too. The range used has been designed by Colour Me Beautiful to specifically suit your colouring. You can try as much or as little as you like! Browse the range here.

How to waste less money on clothes that don’t suit you

It all starts with learning what your best colours are, and how to wear them. All this is covered during your colour analysis consultation.

You’ll take away your colour swatches which contain fabric samples of your palette of colours most suited to you.

These colour swatches will help to guide you on your best shades. Use them to review what you’ve already got in your wardrobe and when buying anything new or pre-loved. During the session, I’ll explain how to use them but you can also watch my video on YouTube for more guidance here.

Your swatches represent the colours most suited to your from your colouring type. Using these to guide you, will mean you waste less money on clothes that don’t suit you!

A more coordinated wardrobe

As you embrace your colours, your wardrobe will become more cohesive too. You’ll find it much easier to mix, match and coordinate outfits together. As your confidence grows, you’ll begin to feel as fabulous as you look.

Knowing your colours will mean far less wardrobe disasters too. No more items languishing unworn and unloved in the back of your wardrobe!

Book your colour analysis consultation now!

4 Colour analysis mistakes, what to look for and how to get it right

In last week’s blog, I shared nine tell-tale signs that you’re wearing the wrong colour which you can revisit here.

As a professional colour consultant, I’m always asked how to tell if the colour you’re wearing is right for you. This is an important one, given that one of the (many) advantages of getting your colours done is to be able to know and understand what suits you so that you can make fewer shopping mistakes. But, it can also be very subjective and up for ‘opinion’ because not everyone sees colour in the same way.

Yet, your image makes up a very visual statement to the world. If something doesn’t suit, fit or flatter you, or you don’t feel good in it, this will be seen and reflected in your image. Your style and shape have an important part to play in your overall image but it’s colour which has the most impact. When a colour isn’t right for you, it will alter and impact your appearance greatly.

I’ve recorded a video which takes you through some of the common mistakes people make when assessing if a colour is right for them. You can watch the video on YouTube here but I’ve also summarised the key points below.

Mistake one

When you see the colour against your skin tone, shadows underneath your chin, dark circles (not diminished), or you look drained, sallow or grey – any of these are not good at all. The colour isn’t balancing with your features and is reflecting, or casting the colour to your face and making you look unwell, tired or washed out.

Mistake two

Assuming that a glow underneath the chin is flattering. A ‘glow’ doesn’t mean ‘glowing’ and will likely mean that the colour is reflecting underneath your chin.

Mistake three

You feel like you need to add more colour through your makeup because you’re trying to balance the colour that you’re wearing. The reality is that the colour isn’t the right tone for you which is why you feel the need to ‘add’ colour artificially through your makeup.

Mistake four

After checking the colour of your veins, you’ve either established that they are blue, green or purple. Whatever colour your veins are isn’t actually a reliable indicator to be able to assess if you have a warmer or cooler skin tone. Your blood is red after all.

What to look for instead

Whatever colour you’re wearing, the effect should be positive. You deserve to look and feel good!

You should look healthier, glowing, have clearer and brighter skin. Your eyes will sparkle and people will comment on how well you look. They may ask if you’ve lost weight or done something different with your hair.

The most accurate way to assess the colour against your features is to use fabric. Hold it underneath your chin because you want to see how it looks against your skin tone. Assess if the colour balances and harmonises with your features. The colour won’t jump out at you (if it does this is often an indicator that it’s not quite the right shade for you). You should be wearing the colour, not the other way around. The human eye looks for balance.

How to get it right

If you have self-diagnosed yourself or you’ve had a go at an online quiz or using a filter and you’re finding that you’ve been following the rules stated but it’s still not working fully, chances are, it’s not quite accurate enough for you.

Consider having a professional colour analysis to determine the right colours, the right tones and the right shades for you.

A colour analysis isn’t about being restrictive or prescriptive and telling you what to wear. It should be enjoyable as a journey because you get to learn how to choose and wear colours that you know flatter you and make you look good! This will in turn, help you to feel good inside too.

That’s what I talk to my clients about when they come for a colour analysis consultation with me.

Get in touch to book your appointment and learn what suits you.

A client’s thoughts following her colour analysis consultation

I was delighted when Ruan from The Yorkshire Sew Girl shared her experience following her recent colour analysis consultation.

Ruan makes many of her own clothes. It was something she’d always been interested in as she really wanted to know what suited her best. Fabric can be just as expensive (if not more), than buying clothes! So, it’s equally as important to learn what suits you to help you make the right choices!

We were so engrossed in her colour analysis session that Ruan didn’t manage to record much ‘live’ coverage! She shares lots of information on what goes on, so if you’d like to hear about her experience from a client’s point of view, take a look at the video on her YouTube channel.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/O1oZ2Cr1yk0

Visit Ruan’s YouTube channel: The Yorkshire Sew Girl

Interested in a colour analysis consultation?

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

Does having a tan change your colouring type?

This is a common question which comes up, especially around the holiday season and summer time.

The short answer is; no. Your colouring type won’t change if you have a tan. This is the case whether you had a seasonal analysis or a tonal analysis consultation.

Let me expand further.

Your colouring is ultimately determined by your genetics, so will remain broadly unchanged in the event of a tan.

As you gain more colour to your skin, it will add more of a ‘glow’ to your facial features. This isn’t permanent but you will find that some colours begin to look much better against your skin than when you were paler by comparison.

Many people tend to reach for brighter or more vibrant colours in sunnier times. This is more of a psychological effect of the brighter sunnier days impacting how we feel and wearing brighter, sunnier looking clothes.

Having a tan will likely mean that you need to change your foundation shade. You may also feel that you don’t require as much coverage as you normally would without a tan.

Unless your tan is fake, it really won’t affect your colouring type. Fake tan tends to be warm/yellow toned which can therefore dramatically change the appearance of your actual skin tone, even if you are cool toned.

Either way, don’t let having a tan put you off booking a colour consultation to learn your best shades of colour.

Get in touch to learn your best shades of colour (and how to wear them)

Will my colouring type change?

I’m often asked if you can change palettes over the years, or whether you’ll stay the same colouring type from your initial analysis.

The short answer – it depends on various factors.

So, here’s the long answer and the circumstances which can affect your palette and therefore, your colouring type.

Hair colour changes

If you invested in a colour analysis many years ago, the first thing to consider is whether the same colours still flatter your physical features or if they look a bit ‘off’.

In my experience, it’s likely to be a change in your physical appearance. I see so many ladies who might have been analysed when they had dark brown hair initially and years later, have lightened their hair or gone au natural.

The impact of such a dramatic change in hair colour (and therefore physical appearance) will mean the harmony between your features and the colours you wear will change. Stronger, richer or bolder colours may be too overwhelming for your more delicate or softer appearance.

Let’s say you were mousey or fair haired and now have a more striking red and auburn tones to your hair. The muted colours of previous may well not have enough ‘bite’ or drama for you. (And, I’m guessing you probably stopped using your swatches some time ago!)

Having worked with some cancer patients over the years, a result can often be hair loss. Many have found that their hair grows back very differently! This may result in a dramatic change to your appearance and therefore an impact on the colours that once loved you, might not love you the same now.

A side note on makeup. Choose the wrong shade of lipstick or even blusher and nothing you wear will look quite right! Don’t forget to review your makeup colours when you review the colours that you wear. If you do want a makeup refresh, get in touch to arrange your appointment.

You were analysed as a ‘season’

This comes up fairly frequently. Many people first had their colours analysed decades ago when colour analysis first appeared in the UK from the US.

Having been previously analysed as a season, they’ve come for an update as they felt their colours weren’t working for them anymore. Initially I was analysed as a ‘summer’ and had 33 coloured swatches in my wallet. The majority suited me well but there were a handful of them which I felt rather washed out in. I didn’t regret the analysis at all, just felt that it wasn’t quite as refined as it could be for me. At the time, seasonal analysis was the only method available. Over the years, things have advanced and changed and other methods of colour analysis exist.

Tonal analysis

The four seasonal approach (spring, summer, autumn, winter) can be restrictive if you don’t fit neatly into the one season (like me as a ‘summer’). The tonal system, (used in my colour analysis consultations) is much more flexible and more refined to you.

Based upon the Albert Munsell Colour Theory and the combination of your current hair colour, eye colour and skin-tone. It assesses the shades of colours most suited to you using the value, clarity and hue of your features and colours to determine the shades which will flatter you the most. It’s a 24-palette system designed to be more reflective of you and your features.

Colouring change examples

I don’t have photographic evidence of every client transformation but I do have lots of examples! Some clients aren’t comfortable or happy having their photo taken and shared with the world which I totally respect.

Here’s a few examples I do have to share.

Carol was a ‘spring’ and got in touch as her hair colour had changed. When wearing her ‘best’ colours, she found that they just weren’t flattering for her now.

After a re-assessment, she was a wonderful ‘cool’ and she set about tackling her wardrobe creating new combinations.

She even found things in her wardrobe which she’d not worn as a spring’ but now found they flattered her perfectly.


















You may recognise this chap!

Cliff Bashforth is the MD of Colour me Beautiful and has moved from a Soft & Warm palette and now to a Cool & Soft one. His transition has been subtle and occurred over ..ahem..many years. It’s something I see frequently with clients as they age naturally.









I’ve written about Debbie in the past. She’d previously been analysed as a soft, warm and light colouring type and having found certain shades in her palette weren’t working, she came to see me for a colour review.

She’d changed to warm, soft and deep colouring type instead. She’d been blonder and lighter during her previous colour analysis and her hair was more golden which meant a shift in her dominant colouring type (soft to warm) as well as her sub-dominants (warm & light to soft & deep). You can read more and revisit the blog here.

Last but not least, two sisters. Chris and Gill came to see me for a review as part of a birthday celebration! Chris’s colouring type had changed slightly, but Gill’s really hadn’t much. Chris was previously a light, cool & soft and a decade on, had changed slightly. She was now a soft, cool & light which she felt much happier with. Gill on the other hand remained a soft, warm & light. Whilst her features had softened slightly, her colour palette still worked and suited her.

These examples illustrate some of the scenarios when your colouring type or colour palette may well change.

So, if you find that your colours are starting to look a little ‘off’, it may be time for a colour review.

Colour Reviews and Colour Analysis

There are many benefits to a colour analysis consultation, whether you’ve had one in the past or this is your first discovery. I’ve covered six benefits here.

Colour Reviews are aimed at those who have been analysed before and would like re-assessing to determine if their colouring type has changed. A colour review is only available to my previous clients who have been fully analysed by me.

For those who are unfamiliar with the tonal colour analysis system or never had their colours analysed before, there are various colour analysis options available. Simply visit this page for full details.

You’ll gain a greater understanding of the impact of colour, learn your colouring type and how to wear colour.

Replacement wallet covers, fabric and digital swatches are available without an appointment here.


Appointments are available Monday to Saturday. To enquire about availability, just get in touch! Toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk