How to shop like a pro!

Do you love the thrill of finding a bargain? Whether that’s pre-loved or in the sales, it’s worth remembering that something is only ever a bargain if you actually wear it!

The key thing is to shop with intention.

Whilst shopping in the sales can be a great time to buy, if you end up buying more things you don’t need and don’t wear, the guilt will settle in quickly. Do remember that everything in the sale is because no one wanted to buy it at full price! Harsh, but true.

There’s often so many items available, especially online, that it can feel overwhelming so these tips are aimed at helping to save you time and money. You’ll also find me sharing tips in a 7 minute video on my YouTube channel – watch it here.

First, check your wardrobe

Before any shopping spree, the first thing I recommend you do is to check your own wardrobe. You may find things in there which you’ve forgotten about and haven’t worn since you bought them. You may also have things in colours that aren’t your best, so it’s worth remembering that they can be rescued. This is something I cover during your colour analysis consultation.

Essentially, you need to know what you have, where your gaps are and what you need. Have a plan and be clear on exactly what items you’re shopping for so you can actually save yourself time and money.

Here’s some questions to ask yourself before buying anything new:

  1. Is it the right colour for me?
  2. Does the style work for me?
  3. What occasions am I likely to wear it to?
  4. Does it flatter my body shape and fit my proportions?
  5. Is it comfortable to wear?
  6. What else can I wear it with?

As I always say, trends come and go and fashion isn’t quite so ‘new’. So, if there was something from the previous season which caught your eye, but you didn’t want to pay for price for it, then now is the time you may be lucky to pick it up in the sales. It’s also worth checking the pre-loved sites too.

What’s a ‘good buy’?

This will vary person to person, but something which you end up wearing time and time again. Broadly speaking, transitional items will take you through the different seasons meaning you get more £s per wear. Often they can be more classic, less ‘high trend’ and more timeless in the style or colour, so that it will also last through many seasons.

Accessories are the easiest and most cost-effective way to update any outfit, whether it’s a necklace or a pair of boots.

Neutral colours (grey, navy, black, brown, white) can be good to buy in the sales as they can make good investment pieces, such as a blazer or trousers. A neutral colour will always ‘go’ with any colour. Just remember the advice given in your colour analysis consultation.

Once you’ve had a colour analysis, shopping for colours which suit you becomes far easier. You really can wear your colours all year round and you’ll find that having a new colour this or next season can often fill a gap in your wardrobe for future seasons to come. I never struggle to find things for all colouring types, all year round.

The colours and trends which come through each season are therefore great opportunities to restyle things you already have, as well as update an existing outfit. I share the trending colours and styles twice a year, just take a look at the latest guides available here.

Shopping online and pre-loved

This can feel more challenging but the principles are just the same as a store!

You need to work a bit harder to find what you’re looking for, but it’s much easier than death by scrolling. The key is to use as many filters as you can to search. Select the size, category and colour and this will reduce the number of items. If you’re shopping pre-loved and you want to make sure it’s in tip top condition, simply search for those with the tags still on (BNWT – brand new with tags).

Help is at hand

If you would prefer someone to do the hard work for you, that’s where my seasonal updates and shopping trips come in. 

Twice a year I run my seasonal updates where you can join a workshop, watch my video, and get my shopping guides.

So, if you fancy a mini-me in your pocket, do check out my ‘shop the look’ guides as there’s one for each dominant colouring type. My recorded video masterclass takes you through the colours and trends in a 45 minute presentation and the latest colour trend guide fits inside your swatches which you can take out with you when you do go shopping.

These spring/summer updates are available until 30 September, then the autumn/winter updates will launch on 1 October. The live group workshop takes place virtually at 12pm on Saturday 5 October and tickets are available here.


Register your interest in ‘seasonal updates’ and join the wait list for an exclusive offer here and visit the current guides here.

Who suits high rise skirts and trousers?

High rise garments are everywhere and it was one of the ‘trends’ I covered in my last seasonal update, with tips on how to wear them.

Not all high rises are the same! There can be fit issues depending upon your body shape and proportions because, a high-rise garment won’t fit everyone the same. It’s important to note this because it’s easy to feel disheartened when something doesn’t fit and to feel there’s something wrong with you. There isn’t. The clothes just don’t fit you. It’s them, not you remember!

As I’ve said a million times; there is no universal sizing. The only way to get the right fit, it to have it fit to YOUR body.

I had a conversation with a lady recently. She was frustrated at how hard it was finding trousers which fit her correctly. Often, she felt they didn’t look good when she wore them.

It’s a common problem. But, it was clear to me why she’d have challenges. With a curvy hourglass shape and a narrow waist compared to her hips, fit and fabric is key. From what she was wearing, I could also see that her upper body was proportionately shorter than her lower body.

With just a few tweaks and clever choices, these fit challenges are easily overcome. Understand how to dress your shape and proportions and the style, cut and fabric to flatter and fit you.

Having explained these aspects, her face lit up. She told me that understanding these tips and tricks has helped her to accept herself more, realising it isn’t her that’s ‘wrong’, but the clothing isn’t ‘right’.

I’ve summarised some challenges here to guide you and have some examples I tried out for myself (with a video if you keep reading).

Shorter legs

Anyone who has short legs will benefit from creating the illusion of a higher waistline. However, raising the waistline alone won’t always lengthen the leg. Where your top finishes, the rise and your footwear should be taken into account too, along with the length of your upper body. Get these wrong, and you could end up making yourself look out of proportion or appear shorter!

Shorter in the body

If you’re shorter in your upper body area, you run the risk of enhancing this further by wearing a high waisted skirt or trousers. Tucking in your top can also create an imbalance, depending upon the length of your legs. Clever tricks to lengthen your upper body are needed rather than enhancing how short it is.

Larger bust

If you’re busty, it’s not just the colour, style or fit of your tops which have an impact. The rise and waistline of your bottom half clothes can highlight this area further too and create a ‘shelf’ for your chest.

Shorter or longer rise

If your own rise doesn’t for the rise of the garment, the fit will be off; you’ll either feel that something is cutting you in half, or you’ll end up with a saggy bum!

Longer body

Anyone with a long upper body will find it much easier to wear a higher rise, as it can provide more ‘balance’ and visually raise the waist area. Check the impact on your lower body, depending upon the length of your legs.

Tummy concerns

A little suction around the tummy area, can be very welcome from a high waisted trouser or jeans! But, it’s important to assess the rest of your body and shape for fit too.

Petite in height or scale

Petites can gain valuable inches in height, particularly if they take the hemline to floor-skimming proportions. However, it’s worth understanding the impact on your proportions. Not all petites are short in the leg! You may be short in the body with a regular leg length. I’ve had petite clients who are short in the leg, with a long body. Each have their fit challenges, which makes shopping only in the petite section a mistake.

Fabric choice

Whatever size or shape you are, attention really should be given to the fabric of the garment. Whether you have any of the fit challenges mentioned above, or not, your choice of fabric is key to achieving a flattering silhouette. Plus, your choice of fabric plays to your style personality in more ways than you realise.

By way of an example; satin will be far more fluid than a taffeta type material and linen will behave differently to denim.

Along with knowing your colours and style, understand your rise, choose the right fabric and, know your proportions! It’s all covered during a style and shape consultation.


Here are three high waisted garments – one pair of trousers and two skirts to illustrate challenges with fit. Head over to YouTube to watch my video here.

Plain full skirt

The elasticated waistband fits at my waist correctly and it has pockets which is great for my style personality. Whilst the colour isn’t great for me (slightly too much warmth), because it’s worn on my bottom half, so much more forgiving. I prefer block colours generally speaking, especially in separates but, the material isn’t working for me. It’s a much heavier weight and with the amount of fabric, there’s barely any movement or fluidity. When it does move, it’s rather noisy and I feel like one of those toilet roll lady dolls from the 80s!

My upper body appears to look a lot shorter than it actually is making me look bottom-heavy, which appears to imbalance my frame and it enhances my chest further, making me look very busty!

Whilst the colour not being great for me was a pro, the reality is that I don’t have anything to wear it with so it will make outfit creation too difficult for me to make work. Coupled with the fabric and the fact that it doesn’t flatter or enhance my shape, it wouldn’t be something I would keep and wear as I’d feel I was making too many compromises.

Patterned full skirt

The material is a much lighter weight with lots of fluidity meaning it drapes well and doesn’t swamp my frame at all.

It’s a good neutral shade for me and the pattern to the bottom half appears to draw attention away from my chest. Whilst this isn’t the correct size for me, the waistband width is too wide, so it doesn’t sit on my waist as it should and my upper body appears shorter than it is. The skirt looks to sit underneath my bust, enhancing it further.

The pattern in reality is a bit too bold for me and doesn’t suit my style personality. Arguably, it’s also too large for my scale and frame.

Whilst the fabric and colour is better than the first, it’s not creating a flattering look as the fit is slightly off and the style not very me. Too many compromises again, so not a purchase I would make.

Super high waisted trousers

The material was a linen mix so they had less weight to them and weren’t as stiff as 100% linen. The trouser waistband was neat and uncluttered which didn’t add bulk to my tummy and hip area which is nice in a more tailored fit of trouser. I loved the colour which wasn’t a million miles away from geranium! The wide leg was a decent size and they didn’t make me appear too bottom heavy or busty, and they didn’t drag too much on the floor in terms of length when I had trainers on.

These were super high rise and they were a little too super on me. With my waist and shape, they felt that they needed to sit higher on my body so the fit wasn’t as good as it could have been. I felt that they had to’ rest’ on my hips making the crotch seem really low and baggy in the middle.

I was very tempted with these. The tailored fit worked for me as did the colour. The resting on the hip, created a more relaxed fit which I could have got behind, but I did feel that the fit wasn’t quite right due to the super high rise. If it had been less super, they’d have been a much better fit for me.


The garments featured are from Next and were featured during my spring/summer 2024 workshop in April 2024. The Autumn/Winter workshop takes place on 5 October. All seasonal update material is available here and updated twice each year.

Check out the Youtube video here

What’s covered in a style & shape consultation?

In this video, you’ll learn what is covered during a style and shape consultation. Watch it on my Youtube channel here:

The details are summarised here:

Style personality

Your style personality is the real you. There’s more to this than you realise. It’s about the clothes you reach for and how they make you feel. Your lifestyle and how you dress to still feel like you!

Having clothes which don’t work for your style personality, means you’ll feel uncomfortable when you wear them. You won’t feel like you, and you won’t be happy. Clothes you don’t reach for are likely to languish in the back of the wardrobe, unworn and unloved because ultimately, they’re not you. I can help you identify what to look for and what works fo you.

Body shape

No tape measures are involved and you can happily stay fully clothed too!

I meet a lot of women who tell me that they don’t know their body shape, or clothes don’t fit them properly. Often, it’s not your underlying body shape which you have challenges with, but your proportions. For example, if you struggle with the fit of jeans, trousers or skirts, the rise you choose is important.

Whilst I’m new to sewing, I’ve always understood the importance of how a garment is constructed and made. I just wasn’t able to do it myself! Seams, darts, necklines and sleeves are all elements to take into account when dressing to flatter your shape.

Your fabric choice can be a friend or a foe! Weight, texture, cut and feel are all elements many people don’t consider, yet it can often be the reason that the fit, shape or style is wrong for you and your body.

Understanding the elements of your body shape, body proportions and body lines helps you identify the cuts, styles and shapes to choose to flatter your shape.

Your clothes

Whilst you’re under no obligation, it can be beneficial to bring along some of your own clothes which you’ve found aren’t working for you. Especially if you can’t put your finger on the reasons why. If you keep putting things on and taking them off again, because there’s something not right with it and you’re convinced it’s not the colour, it’s probably a style and shape session, which you’d benefit from. Especially if you know your colours and nothing has changed!

There are some items I use to demonstrate some of the points I’m making, but your clothes are often the best way to demonstrate the effect and impact.

For more information, visit this page.

These consultations take place in the studio in Wakefield, West Yorkshire and generally last between two to two and a half hours.

You can combine it with a colour analysis and we’ll cover colours, makeup, style, shape, and personality. You’ll need to allow around four to four and a half hours for this combined package.


Get in touch to make your appointment

The impact of hair colour in colour analysis consultations

Your hair, and specifically the colour of it, is often a huge topic of discussion during my colour analysis consultations!

I believe it plays an important part of your overall appearance, which is why I assess it during your colour analysis.

Over the years, I’ve seen many clients and heard lots of stories of how hair colour changes have an impact on what you wear. Whether it’s a choice of colouring your hair, ageing, or medical reasons like hair loss and cancer. They all have an impact.

Once you begin to notice that certain colours don’t look quite as good as they did, it’s worth determining if the reason is due to hair changes. If so, how permanent is it likely to be? You may be able to ‘weather the storm’ so to speak!

Skin tone

Worthy of note is that there’s a common misconception that the undertone of your skin doesn’t change as your age. Certainly, under the seasonal colour analysis system, you remain the same palette. However, I’ve seen plenty of examples where this isn’t the case.

The Colour Me Beautiful tonal colour analysis system which I use in my consultations, is more flexible as it recognises that as we get older, hair loses pigmentation, eyes become more muted, and skin becomes more transparent. These aspects will affect the impact of colour when you wear it.

The Colour Me Beautiful MD; Cliff Bashforth is a great example of this. Over the years, he has transitioned between palettes. Back in the early years of colour analysis, Cliff was an autumn. As the seasonal system was developed with CMB, he was a soft autumn Certainly, under the seasonal system, he would still be classified as someone with a warm skin tone, which he actually isn’t anymore. His overall features have changed.

Going grey

Along with Cliff, I have seen many clients over the years who have decided to embrace the grey! Revisit this blog here and take a look at Carol.

By way of another example, if you had dark brown hair in your younger years you’re likely to find that stronger, richer or bolder colours are now feeling and looking ‘too much’. They may be overwhelming your more delicate or softer appearance because the harmony between your hair, skin and eyes has changed.

Not all greys are the same either. There are ash tones, whites, silvers and salt and pepper. But, a colour analysis consultation can help to determine your best shades of colour and how to wear them.

Colouring your hair

Let’s say you were mousey and now have a more vibrant and striking red colour to your hair. The muted colours you will have looked amazing in previously are unlikely to have enough ‘bite’ or drama for you now. No doubt that if you’d been analysed previously, you’re likely to have stopped using your swatches some time ago! The key now is to match the intensity level of your hair with the colours you wear. Do be aware that red tones in the hair can be bold and bright or red and auburn and this difference can have an impact on the underlying hue of the colours which suit you best.

Medical reasons

This can be a very sensitive topic for people. Having worked with some cancer patients over the years, a result can often be hair loss. Many find that their hair grows back very differently! Resulting in a change to your appearance and therefore the colours which once loved you, might not love you the same now.

Deciding to embrace the no-hair look can be a brave move and I remember a client who had alopecia with the most remarkable pattern and design tattooed to her head for the summer. She found the heat was too unpleasant to wear her hair pieces.

Equally, hair pieces can transform your overall look in the same way. Choosing to go blonde, brunette, red or blue will all require an adaption if you want what you wear to harmonise with your features.

Wardrobe impact

If you have found that your hair colour changes are having an impact on your choice of colours and how they look, a wardrobe assessment might be in order.

Should the change be temporary, or you plan on frequently changing your hair colour, you may find yourself altering and updating your wardrobe frequently.

A more permanent change means it’s a good time to reassess your wardrobe and if what you have still works for you, or if you need to adapt it.

Be certain that it’s definitely the colour that’s not working for you, or if it could be the pattern/design/style/fit or material? These factors can also affect how ‘good’ something looks and how you feel.

Can you ‘rescue’ the colour by wearing it with another colour? Perhaps try a scarf or jewellery to break up the colour near to your face.

A piece of advice I give all my clients is to keep the ‘wrong’ colour away from your face and wear it on the bottom half. The impact of the colour will be far less severe when worn this way and you still get to wear and enjoy it.

Dyeing your clothes could be another option, especially if the fabric is not man-made. Synthetics don’t dye well at home (without major effort), but mixes still will (like polycotton).

For those that can’t be rescued and you decide to let them go, be clear about what colour you need to replace it with, if at all.

The impact of different shades of a colour

I always say that you can wear every colour. However, there is more than one shade, tint or tone of a colour!

I’ve recorded a video in which I show you examples of different tones of pink and greens against my features. I wanted to try and demonstrate the subtle difference in colours and how they would look different if my hair was different. You’ll find it on YouTube here.

A colour analysis consultation will help you with all the aspects discussed in this blog and shown in the video.

Get in touch to book your colour analysis consultation.

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday. To enquire about availability, just get in touch!

What to wear this spring

You don’t have to be a slave to fashion to look and feel up-to-date in what you wear!

Often, it may be some new inspiration you need. Or, some ideas adapting what you’ve already got. But, it isn’t always a brand new wardrobe! So, if you keep making random and ill-thought through purchases which languish in the back of the wardrobe, help is at hand!

Twice a year, I do the hard work for you with my ‘Seasonal Updates’ for you to learn what’s out there to suit you, and where you can find it – there’s something for everyone!

Make informed decisions, shop with intention and stop wasting money on things you won’t wear! Here’s what’s available and how I can help summarised below. I’ve also recorded a video which you can watch on YouTube here:

Who are the seasonal updates for?

Quite simply, ladies who want to feel good and look stylish. Too many people have too many clothes they don’t wear which don’t suit them!

More specifically:

– If you already know your colouring type, you’ll learn the colours you can expect to find this coming season. Ideal if you’ve identified certain colour gaps in your wardrobe from your palette, or you need to invest in a specific colour or style.

– You want to feel up-to-date in your clothes. I’ve picked out the trends to look out for and how to wear them. This way, you can introduce them, or adapt what you already have in bringing them up-to-date so you can feel more confident in your outfits.

– A dislike for shopping, or feel overwhelmed by choice. I’ve already done the hard work scouring what’s available to make it easier for you to shop for specific items you’ll need and wear.

– You’re short on time, as I’ve done the hard work to make it easy for you to shop for specific items with my guidance.

– You’re an impulse shopper and keep buying clothes without purpose or because it’s there/cheap/available. You may already have something similar in your wardrobe and with my guidance, you’ll know what to look for and have ideas to style it different! These seasonal updates will also help you focus on the items you need to stop you buying more clothes you don’t need and won’t wear.

– Lacking inspiration and confidence. Sometimes you get stuck in a rut and need some help getting out of it.

– You make your own clothes and need some inspiration on styles or new designs you could try your hand at yourself.

What’s available?

A suite of support all guiding you on the colours and trends to suit you to save you time.

Spring/Summer 2024 Colour Update Guide

This guide has had an update to the design this year. It’s still a handy-sized guide to pop in your handbag, but it’s now slimmer, so it fits inside your colour me beautiful colour swatch wallet! (sneak peak in the video above!)

You’ll find the key colours for spring/summer 2024 organised by dominant colouring type (using the tonal colour analysis system which you’ll learn during your colour analysis consultation) to help guide you when shopping.

There’s seven colours for each of the six colouring types which includes three neutrals this year, making it easy to focus on updating your wardrobe this season and fill any specific colour gaps you’ve identified from your palette.

Between April and September, you’ll get a copy with all colour and style consultations.

Live Workshop – Spring/Summer 2024 Colours & Trends – Saturday 6 April 12pm

The next live group workshop takes place virtually on Saturday 6 April at 12pm and lasts around 90 minutes.

During this workshop, you’ll be guided on the latest colours, trends and where to find them. I’ll show examples I’ve found on the high street, plus I shop my own wardrobe too! All aimed at inspiring you to style up and wear what you’ve got so you only buy what you need. Get your ticket here.

Recorded video masterclass

If you can’t attend the live event, my pre-recorded video masterclass is for you so you don’t miss out!

I’ll share my presentation and guidance during this 45 minute pre-recorded video which you can watch in your own time. I’ll talk you through the latest colours and trends, with examples inspiring you in how to wear them.

Shop the look guides for each colouring type

I received some fabulous feedback on these new guides last season, so they are back for SS24 bigger and better!

There’s a ‘shop the look’ for each dominant colouring type and ideal if you know your colours to make shopping the new season colours and trends a breeze.

Each guide features a range of garments, including accessories. There’s over 40 items I’ve picked alongside stylist notes and links to each retailer website to buy.

When are the seasonal updates?

The spring/summer update guides will be available to purchase online from 1 April and the live workshop takes place on 6 April. Tickets to the workshop are available to buy here.

If you’re shopping the sales or pre-loved and missed the previous Autumn/Winter update, these are reduced whilst stocks last. Colour and style guides are available here.

Early access at a discount is available, but only if you join the wait list. Subscribing to a waiting list means I can make you an exclusive offer. The offers aren’t available outside of my email list (ie I don’t offer them anywhere else). So, if you’re not on the list then you don’t get this access. Joining the wait list means you’ll get 5 days exclusive access ahead of general sale at an exclusive discounted price.

To qualify, you need to be subscribed, select ‘seasonal updates’ as an interest and still be opted in by the time the offer email comes around. On 27 March, you’ll receive an email with your exclusive pre-launch offers. Register your details here on the wait list.

How will the seasonal updates help you?

Money doesn’t buy style, knowledge does.

I’m often told my guides stop you making the same mistakes and buying more things you don’t wear/don’t suit you. Having a colour and style expert find items you wouldn’t normally choose yourself actually saves time (and money)! Inspiring you and providing ideas for things you already have stops you wasting money on clothes you won’t wear and don’t need. Using my seasonal updates makes you more aware of what’s already in your wardrobe that you can re-wear again and again too.

Having a colour and style consultant do the hard work for you, stops you scouring the internet and the high street as I’ve gathered the colours and trends, who they work for, where to get them and how to wear them. You just need to choose the format which works best for you!

As a reminder:

  1. A summary guide of the key colours you’ll find this spring/summer 2024 for each dominant colouring type.
  2. Shop the Look guides for each colour type which features links to the retailer websites with style and fit notes from me too.
  3. Recorded on-demand masterclass which is pre-recorded showing you the colours and trends in the shops and tips on how to wear them and who they suit. The video uses the same slides I use in the live group workshop.
  4. 90 minute live group workshop, showing you a presentation of the colours and trends plus what examples I’ve found on the high street. Tips on how to wear them, who they suit and making them work for you. I’ll also show you examples of the ‘new’ trends I’ve found in my wardrobe which I’ll be re-wearing to inspire you to check your wardrobe and style them up a different way.

How much are the seasonal updates?

The price ranges from £7.50 to £19.50 depending what you choose. It’s a cost effective way to tap into the expertise of a colour and style consultant! But, if you’d prefer something more personalised, do get in touch:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Want to get your wardrobe ready for the new season?

How to wear and style a jumper to create a waist (and avoid a shapeless look)

Have you ever found that a jumper can look a little bulky or shapeless when you’re wearing it?

Sometimes what you need to do is wear it with a little tweak to style it in a different way.

I’ve talked about tucking in a jumper previously (so that you don’t look like a sack of spuds). It’s all in the styling and creating shape. You can revisit that video on YouTube here or click on this blog.

But, have you thought about the sleeves?

Rolling the sleeves up slightly will draw attention to where your waist is. Or, where you’d like it to be if you don’t have equally balanced proportions! It’s simply a clever trick!

It’s not just a yank up either and hey presto. You’re looking for a smoother line rather than a gathering of material.

This is a visual trick to draw the eye line into a waist and highlight more shape to your frame.

Just a simple adjustment of the sleeve area can help to create the illusion of a waist, if you don’t have a clearly defined one too.

In the video, you’ll be able to see how my silhouette looks better as a result of just a couple of tweaks and how to style it.

Watch it on YouTube here:

Simple way to identify clothes you’re not wearing

How many times have you discovered something in your wardrobe that you forgot you had?

Chances are, if you’ve got lots of clothes, it won’t be easy for you to identify garments you’re not wearing.

So, before you buy more clothes, I recommend this task. It’s something that I undertake every year with my own clothes, but if you’ve never done it yourself, you may find you need to repeat the task a few times during the year.

A full wardrobe audit takes time and fills many with dread, which is why this task is a little smarter and much less daunting. (But, if you do need help with a full wardrobe audit, let me help!)

The task

Undertaking the task this year, I found around 12 items I’ve not worn in the previous 12 months and 9 of these, I’ve removed to sell on or gift to charity. It took me less than 10 minutes!

It was easy for me to identify these quickly simply because I simply turn the hanger round the opposite way when I’ve worn an item! (Plus, I understand what colours, styles, fabric and shapes suit me!).

At the start of January, I turn all my hangers in the wardrobe so they face the same direction. Then, as I wear something and hang it back up, I switch the hanger to face the opposite direction. Over time, this helps me identify clothes I’m enjoying wearing, and those I’m just not reaching for.

Visually, you’ll begin to see patterns emerge in your own wardrobe and the split of clothes you do and don’t wear. I’ve recorded a quick video to illustrate the task which you can also watch on YouTube:

Try it for 30 days and see how you get on, or for for 3 months which will help you prepare for the next season (yes, I’ll be offering my seasonal updates guides again).

What to do with clothes you’re not wearing

As you identify garments you’re not wearing, question yourself for any reasons why this has been. Here’s a few that arise frequently:

  1. Not the weather
  2. The colour washes you out
  3. It doesn’t fit you (too big/too small)
  4. The fabric is scratchy
  5. No longer flattering
  6. Nothing to wear it with
  7. Other similar items you wear more
  8. Fallen out of love with it
  9. Looks dated
  10. Doesn’t work for you
  11. Not been an occasion to wear it
  12. Don’t feel like ‘you’
  13. Changed job/retired
  14. Don’t like how you feel when you wear it
  15. Sentimentally, you can’t let it go

Some of these are good reasons to keep hold of them a bit longer, but do try and wear them! For others, it might be time for you to remove them and let someone else enjoy wearing them instead.

Here’s my advice.

Not the weather

Keep hold of it so you can wear it when you feel it’s more appropriate weather-wise. Unless, you can layer it and wear it with other items you have.

The colour washes you out

Can you wear it away from your face so that it’s little more forgiving? If it’s a top, try wearing another top underneath to break up the colour or try a scarf. Change the colour by dying it or move it on. Or, seek clarity on the colours that do suit you by booking a colour analysis consultation. 

It doesn’t fit you (too big/too small)

These clothes take up room in your wardrobe and you won’t wear them if they don’t fit you! Retaining clothes that don’t fit you can make it harder and take you longer to get ready. For items which affect your mindset and how you feel, I recommend removing them. Even if that means storing them away for now and reviewing in three months or six months time.

The fabric is scratchy

If you hate the feel of something when you wear it, or you have static each time you wear it, you will not be happy when you wear it! Chances are, you’re likely to not wear it again. Move it on.

No longer flattering

Everyone wants to feel good in what they wear, so if something doesn’t flatter you and you don’t feel good when you wear it, why keep it?

Nothing to wear it with

Until you find something that you feel you can wear it with, it will remain unworn and unloved. Challenge yourself to wear it with something you already have, or make it a priority for your shopping list.

Other similar items you wear more

Duplicate pieces can replace older, worn out versions, but if you’re finding that you still prefer the older version and saving this, it means it’s taking up space. Chances are, you don’t need 5 jackets in the same colour, so try and move at least one on.

Fallen out of love with it

Put simply, you won’t wear it so it’s time to say goodbye.

Looks dated

Some items are more timeless than others. Trends come and go, so be honest with yourself if you can see yourself wearing it again, even in a different way? If you can’t then move it on.

Doesn’t work for you

Can you alter it so that you feel it does work for you? What are the reasons that you feel it doesn’t because if you can’t overcome them, you won’t wear it! Change it (tailor/sewer) so it does work for you, or bite the bullet and get rid. If you’re finding it difficult to identify things which do work for you, consider booking a consultation with me to learn them.

Not been an occasion to wear it

What occasion are you looking for? If it’s afternoon tea with The King, you’re better trying to wear it for a different occasion! Don’t put barriers in your mind and try not to save things for best.

Don’t feel like ‘you’

Trying something new to switch up your look is something I encourage you to do. But, if you’ve tried it and feel like ET in the little girl’s clothes (played by Drew Barrymore), then I’d be tempted to move it on as you won’t wear it again.

Changed job/retired

Be honest about how likely you are to wear those clothes again. If it’s suit, you might find you can still wear the jacket and bottoms separately. Give yourself some time to adjust – I often find clients struggle with their image as a piece of their identity has gone. Keep hold until you’re certain or if you’re not sure yet.

Don’t like how you feel when you wear it

Honestly? Let it go. Sure you can tweak it and how you wear it and style it. But, if you don’t like yourself in something, you won’t wear it!

Sentimentally, you can’t let it go

There will always be some things you can’t part with. My advice is to clean the garment and then store it safely away.


Finally, you deserve a wardrobe that works for you which is filled with clothes you love to wear! Undertaking this task regularly will help you to keep on top of it and means you’ll be able to quickly identify clothes you love and the ones you’re holding on to ‘just in case’!

Let me know how you get on! And, if you need any help, do get in touch to discuss the package which is right for you.


If you don’t know, get in touch so I can help you find the right package for you so you can feel good in what you wear.

The secret to layering your clothes and still look stylish (without adding bulk)

The secret to help you stay warm in the colder months is to successfully layer your clothes. Wearing lots of fine, thin layers, rather than one thick item of clothing is a smarter way to keep warm, whilst still looking stylish.

The cold weather doesn’t have to mean boring, frumpy or functional. Nothing wrong with that by the way – I love my giant puffer, duvet style winter coat! But, practicality speaking, I can’t really sit in it all day. Learn to master the basics instead.

I’ve recorded a 3 minute video which you can watch on my YouTube channel here. Below, I’ll explain the details and how to layer successfully.

Layer one – the base layer

For most of us, everyday life is being at home, work or being outdoors. It’s not trekking across Antartica. So adding lots of thin, fine layers is as simple as it gets. You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy, expensive gear – unless you think you’ll get the use out of it of course.

This base layer is the first layer of protection which sits closest to your skin, so it’s better to be thin and fine as it’s the foundation to which you’ll build your further layers.

Think vests, t shirts and long sleeved t shirts. What I tend to do is actually have a long sleeved t shirt underneath a jumper. If I’m feeling particularly chilly, I might have a vest underneath it or a t shirt underneath. Because they’re thin, I can layer them and not add too much bulk to my frame. I use my summer items (vests, t-shirts) underneath my winter woollies so I get more use of out my basic, core items. Many of these I’ve had for years too!

Merino wool is probably one of the best (if you can’t afford cashmere!) due to its insulating and breathable qualities. It helps regulate body temperature, wicks away moisture, and if you sweat, you won’t be left feeling wet, stinky or clammy!

An unlikely consideration is silk which is one of the softest fabrics you’ll ever wear which is great all season round. It’s lightweight, hypoallergenic, and a natural insulator – a silk vest will be great.

You’ll read a lot in terms of outdoor wear that actually cotton is one of the worst. But actually, if you’ve got a cotton and polyester blend, which I think a lot of my long sleeve tops are, you’ll be absolutely fine for sitting in the house and popping to the shops. These blends are very popular and cost-effective options.

Layer two – the mid layer

Adding this extra layer of insulation acts as a barrier to the cold whilst retaining your body heat. It’s the middle layer between your base layer and your outer-wear.

Depending how many layers you’re going to have as a base layer, just think this layer is about what’s being worn on top of your base layer. Most likely; a jumper, sweatshirt, hoodies, cardigan or fleece, but could also be a shirt and then a jumper.

Consider the thickness of the fabric in the garments here. The thicker the fabric, the finer and thinner your layers underneath are better off being. If you had a fine knit jumper here, it will mean you can add another layer over the top if you need it.

Layer three – the outer layer

Your outer layer is about protecting you from the elements outside. You’ll know from coats you’ve owned in the past how effective they are against the wind, snow, rain, or ice! To help you stay dry, your coat will need to be be both waterproof and breathable. Water resistant options are cheaper but be aware that they will not protect you from torrential rain or being out in the rain a long time. Make sure you’ve got enough layers to protect you should the rain soak through.


Whilst these layers play a vital role in keeping your body warm, pay close attention to your head, face, hands, and feet too.

Hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, socks and waterproof footwear are all worthy considerations! Merino and cashmere accessories are much cheaper to buy and will work wonders at helping to keep you warm. I’ve raved previously about my cashmere fingerless gloves and would highly recommend.

Keeping your feet warm is a vital part of retaining body heat and staying comfortable in colder temperatures. So consider cashmere socks or foot insoles to keep your feet warm and toasty with waterproof footwear for outside.

Your style

For ease of demonstration, I’ve talked about tops but you can also have base layer bottoms too.

Aside from the practicality of staying warm, layering your clothes is also a clever way to add interest or colour to your outfit. It’s something I’ve covered previously in this blog but if you’re struggling with any aspect, do get in touch:

4 Colour analysis mistakes, what to look for and how to get it right

In last week’s blog, I shared nine tell-tale signs that you’re wearing the wrong colour which you can revisit here.

As a professional colour consultant, I’m always asked how to tell if the colour you’re wearing is right for you. This is an important one, given that one of the (many) advantages of getting your colours done is to be able to know and understand what suits you so that you can make fewer shopping mistakes. But, it can also be very subjective and up for ‘opinion’ because not everyone sees colour in the same way.

Yet, your image makes up a very visual statement to the world. If something doesn’t suit, fit or flatter you, or you don’t feel good in it, this will be seen and reflected in your image. Your style and shape have an important part to play in your overall image but it’s colour which has the most impact. When a colour isn’t right for you, it will alter and impact your appearance greatly.

I’ve recorded a video which takes you through some of the common mistakes people make when assessing if a colour is right for them. You can watch the video on YouTube here but I’ve also summarised the key points below.

Mistake one

When you see the colour against your skin tone, shadows underneath your chin, dark circles (not diminished), or you look drained, sallow or grey – any of these are not good at all. The colour isn’t balancing with your features and is reflecting, or casting the colour to your face and making you look unwell, tired or washed out.

Mistake two

Assuming that a glow underneath the chin is flattering. A ‘glow’ doesn’t mean ‘glowing’ and will likely mean that the colour is reflecting underneath your chin.

Mistake three

You feel like you need to add more colour through your makeup because you’re trying to balance the colour that you’re wearing. The reality is that the colour isn’t the right tone for you which is why you feel the need to ‘add’ colour artificially through your makeup.

Mistake four

After checking the colour of your veins, you’ve either established that they are blue, green or purple. Whatever colour your veins are isn’t actually a reliable indicator to be able to assess if you have a warmer or cooler skin tone. Your blood is red after all.

What to look for instead

Whatever colour you’re wearing, the effect should be positive. You deserve to look and feel good!

You should look healthier, glowing, have clearer and brighter skin. Your eyes will sparkle and people will comment on how well you look. They may ask if you’ve lost weight or done something different with your hair.

The most accurate way to assess the colour against your features is to use fabric. Hold it underneath your chin because you want to see how it looks against your skin tone. Assess if the colour balances and harmonises with your features. The colour won’t jump out at you (if it does this is often an indicator that it’s not quite the right shade for you). You should be wearing the colour, not the other way around. The human eye looks for balance.

How to get it right

If you have self-diagnosed yourself or you’ve had a go at an online quiz or using a filter and you’re finding that you’ve been following the rules stated but it’s still not working fully, chances are, it’s not quite accurate enough for you.

Consider having a professional colour analysis to determine the right colours, the right tones and the right shades for you.

A colour analysis isn’t about being restrictive or prescriptive and telling you what to wear. It should be enjoyable as a journey because you get to learn how to choose and wear colours that you know flatter you and make you look good! This will in turn, help you to feel good inside too.

That’s what I talk to my clients about when they come for a colour analysis consultation with me.

Get in touch to book your appointment and learn what suits you.

How to wear a scarf – 3 ways and 3 reasons

Given the weather has turned colder here in the UK, it means that the winter woollies will have to come out!

For me, a scarf is the easiest and most versatile accessory that you can have in your wardrobe.

This autumn/winter season, you’ll notice an abundance of colourful scarves, capes and cover-ups available.

I’m sharing my guidance and more on the trends, colours and styles in my new seasonal updates which you’ll find full details to help you make informed decisions here.

3 reasons to wear a scarf

A scarf is a fabulous accessory to invest in and often a more cost effective way of updating your wardrobe too.

Firstly, when you wear a scarf in a shade of colour which compliments your features, you’ll look fabulous! That’s because the colour that you wear near to your face will reflect upwards. Choosing a colour that compliments your features will avoid casting shadows onto your features. You can learn your best shades of colour and how to wear them during a colour analysis consultation. A scarf is included in your package with me in the studio too.

It can rescue any outfit! So, if you’re wearing something which isn’t one of your best colours, it will cast shadows onto your features. This will have the unfortunately impact of making you look tired or older than you are and you don’t need that! Adding a scarf will break up the not-so-good colour in your outfit to rescue it and make you look much healthier (as long as it’s right for you of course!). A scarf is a really useful accessory to add when you feel you need to add a finishing touch which will elevate the outfit too.

This last reason may seem a little boring or practical, but it will actually help to keep you warm!

3 simple ways to tie a scarf

Many people struggle to wear a scarf as they feel unsure about how to tie it. They see others who make it look effortless and just can’t make it work the same way for them! Often though, the main reason they struggle is actually down to their style personality (this is something which you learn much more about during my style and image consultation).

I’m often asked for ways of wearing and tying a scarf and this is something which I’ve covered previously. In this video, I’m sharing my three favourite methods which are really simple and easy to do. I’m talking you through how to tie each one in turn in the video as well which you can watch here on YouTube. 

In the video, my first one is a really simple and effortless method which I call the loop. You simply loop it around your neck and adjust the ends. You can do this with any length or thickness of scarf.

The second is what I call the twisted loop. You start using the first method and then twist each end into the loop which twists the scarf. Easily than it sounds and definitely worth a watch!

Lastly, what I call the plaited hoop. In the video, I’ve slowed down the clip so you can follow it a little easier but you’ll start like that one where you push both ends through the hoop at one side (the one everyone does). Instead push one end through the hoop, twist the hoop round to make a figure of 8 and feed the remaining end into the hole you’ve just created. Lies much flatter and nicer too. Watch the video to see these come to life:

The super soft scarf featured in the video

You’ll notice that I’ve used a long scarf in the video tutorials. This is the purple super soft scarf by Colour me Beautiful. There are 5 colours available (including the purple which is a universal one, so it suits everyone) but you’ll find one for every colour type and if you need help identifying the right shade for you, do get in touch. If you know your colouring type, you can refine the filter through the online shop to show you the ones which work for you. Available from the studio as well as online here.

New square scarves

To commemorate Colour Me Beautiful’s 40th birthday, they have introduced a very special new range. The new Sofia Mulberry Silk Scarves are available in three colour ways; Warm, Cool and Universal (so this one suits everyone).

Mulberry Silk is one of the most expensive and luxurious fabrics in the world. It is smoother and stronger than any other silk and breathable too. Order yours online or from the studio.

The Universal Sofia is made up of colours that we can all wear; soft white, teal, purple, pewter, taupe and stone.

The Cool Sofia is made up of cornflower, soft white, icy-grey, blue-green, cassis and hot pink and is perfect for anyone with a cool undertone.

The Warm Sofia is made up of olive, turquoise, cream, sage, terracotta and orange-red and will look sensational on anyone with a warm undertone.

Each scarf measures 88cm x 88cm.

Unboxing the b.kinda mystery box

Given it’s Second hand September, it seemed like a good opportunity to introduce the B.Kinda mystery box.

They do things a little differently by putting together pre-loved clothing boxes. It’s a mystery because you won’t know what’s inside!

It’s worth pointing out that I’ve not been paid for this – in fact, it will be a surprise for them too! I wanted to highlight them for doing something different in the pre-loved, second hand space.

Detailed below is how it works and what’s included based upon my own experience. Plus, I’ve recorded a video to show you the items I received and how to use their website. Watch it here:

How does it work?

The mystery box is made up of four items picked for you based upon your preferences.

There’s an element of tailoring your order with scope to add notes (if you didn’t like stripes for example).

First, select the age that you like to dress, rather than the age you actually are. If you fancy something a little more mature or youthful, select a different age range box.

Next, it’s about sizing. The options are from 6 to 24. You’ll be asked to select the size for your tops, then bottoms and finally, dresses. I like this because it’s an opportunity to reflect your body shape. So, if you’re a pear shape or inverted triangle, being able to select a different size top to bottoms makes it much more customised to you.

In relation to trousers, you can choose the leg length which is great if you don’t have balanced proportions. Select short, regular or long.

Now the size and fit is sorted, you’ll move onto your colour choices. In this section, you mark the colours that you don’t like. Because I know my colouring type, it was an easy one for me.

Here’s the colours I didn’t want:

  • Auburn (too warm)
  • black (too draining)
  • brown (not a fan)
  • gold (I’m better in silver)
  • copper (too warm)
  • grey (don’t need anything)
  • beige (not a fan)
  • orange (too warm and bright)
  • yellow (too tricky getting the right tone)

This left me with: blue, green, purple, navy, pink, red, silver, white and burgundy.

Being able to refine to a colour group allows you to choose a colour you love or fill a gap in your wardrobe.

What’s inside the mystery box?

If you fancy a nosy, watch the video and I’ve summarised the contents below.

One top was cute with little details to the shoulders and a lightweight fabric. Very similar to blush pink in the soft, light, clear and deep dominant swatches.

The second top was a boho pattern on a lightweight fabric. The base colour was a little darker than the grey green in the warm and soft dominant swatches.

Onto the dresses; the first was a warmer shade of red with zip details to the front. Would definitely work for someone with warmer tones in their colour type (dominant or sub-dominant).

The final dress was a patterned dress. On closer inspection looked dark and night navy and soft white combinations. Colours which could easily be worn by most people. The dress was fitted, lined and had a side concealed zip.

The result!

At the time I ordered, it cost me £15 for four garments including postage (it’s a rather big box too!).

As at 1 September, the cost has increased to £20.95 which to me still represents great value for money! I asked about the change and they said: “Our boxes always reflect the change in seasons. From today (1st September), every box we pick will include autumn clothes as well as all year round pieces. We have tried to hold back with a price change for as long as we could but in order to continue to grow and support our community this is something we had to do.”

You’d have to spend much more to get four brand new garments. This method means you’ll have rescued four items from landfill and at the very worst, you’ll have given to charity.

The gamble is that it’s a mystery box – so you could have four new items you’ll wear, or nothing at all.

For me personally, two of the four would work for me. I’ll definitely be keeping the pink top because of the style, the fabric and the colour.

The colour of the second top is too warm for me, the pattern too much and too boxy for my shape.

Whilst I love a dress, I won’t be keeping either. The red dress was too warm a tone for me, not as fitted as I’d have preferred and the zips too dramatic for my style personality!

The patterned dress had all the features of being a keeper (colour, style, shape, fit) but, on reflection, I just don’t have a gap for it in my wardrobe.


Overall, I would still recommend having a go at the mystery box. It’s a great way to dabble in pre-loved and support a good cause.

It is a surprise and a mystery after all so the excitement of not knowing is part of the thrill! The ordering process is pretty simple as you can see in the video.

Whilst it doesn’t drill down to select the specific shades (like you’ll learn in your colour analysis), being able to focus on a colour you love or that you’re seeking is great. Tailoring the size and cut narrows down the chances of the fit being better for you too.

As Forest Gump said: you never know what you’re gonna get! Surely that’s all part of the fun.

How to test the colours that suit you

If you read my previous blog about how there’s a new ‘trend’ to get a colour analysis done (it’s not really new!) and you fancy dabbling in ‘testing’ yourself, I wanted to offer some guidance.

As much as I recommend a professional diagnosis from a trained colour consultant (like myself), you may still want to do-it-yourself.

You won’t have the same tools or experience that I have of course, but hopefully my tips will help you.


So you might be wondering how to test for the colours which suit you best.

My recommendation is always to use fabric because it is the most reliable indicator. Use whatever fabric you can get your hands on. It could be cushion covers, pillowcases, clothes, scarves or any other fabric!

You want to hold the fabric up underneath your chin for the best results. Ideally, have no makeup on and do this in natural daylight.

Check your complexion in a mirror when you’re holding each piece of fabric to see the impact against your face. Is your face and your look enhanced? Do you look fresher and brighter, or is your skin looking dull, pale, or washed out?

What you’re actually looking for is this brightening effect and that you are wearing the colours, not the other way around.

If it looks like the colours are wearing you, it’s often not an indication that the shade of colour isn’t quite right for you.

I’ve recorded a little video demonstration which you’ll also find on my YouTube page. Watch it here:

When you are doing this yourself or you’ve had a go at another method, like an online quiz or the spinning wheel filter and find that the colours still aren’t quite working, you might be right!

Not everyone fits neatly into just one box. So, consider a professional colour analysis instead. After all, if the outcome you’re seeking is to make fewer shopping mistakes, it can be just as costly to buy things in the wrong colours!

I’ve been trained in colour analysis by Colour me Beautiful using a tonal colour analysis system. Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

Get in touch to book your professional colour analysis!

Contact me to book your appointment:

A client’s thoughts following her colour analysis consultation

I was delighted when Ruan from The Yorkshire Sew Girl shared her experience following her recent colour analysis consultation.

Ruan makes many of her own clothes. It was something she’d always been interested in as she really wanted to know what suited her best. Fabric can be just as expensive (if not more), than buying clothes! So, it’s equally as important to learn what suits you to help you make the right choices!

We were so engrossed in her colour analysis session that Ruan didn’t manage to record much ‘live’ coverage! She shares lots of information on what goes on, so if you’d like to hear about her experience from a client’s point of view, take a look at the video on her YouTube channel.

Watch the video here:

Visit Ruan’s YouTube channel: The Yorkshire Sew Girl

Interested in a colour analysis consultation?

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

6 alternative ways to tie a wrap dress belt (that’s not a bow)

A wrap dress is arguably the one dress which everyone owns.

Most people tie the belt in a bow, which is a bit like tying your shoes laces.

In fact, one of my clients contacted me recently to ask for my advice on alternative ways to tie her wrap dress belt which inspired me to create this video!

She had been using the traditional bow method for years and felt that it didn’t always look ‘tidy’ or as ‘nice’ as it could do.

Here are six different ways to tie the belt. If you have a long belt on another dress, it might be worth trying these methods out on it too.

The full video is available on my YouTube channel. Here’s the link to watch it:

Do let me know which one is your fave and if you’ll be giving it a go!

4 things to pack for a beach holiday

Holiday season is here but are you a regular over-packer?

Do you tend to panic pack last minute items ‘just in case’?

The key to successful holiday packing is to pack items which are inter-changeable which you can use in multiple ways. This way, you’ll actually take less away with you but still have enough outfits to wear.

There’s a short video you can watch on my YouTube here:

Here’s the four items:

1. Use your travel bag as a beach bag (or vice versa).

2. A pashmina (or large scarf) is easily reached for when it’s chilly on the plane or an evening. But, why use it as a sarong for the beach or pool? The one featured in the video is a Colour me Beautiful super soft scarf. One is included with my colour analysis consultations but they can be bought from the studio or online here.

3. A shirt or shirt dress can be worn to the beach, pool or on an evening. Wear it as a dress, with or without a belt or try as a lightweight jacket if it’s chilly in the evening as an extra layer.

4. A kaftan might be an obvious choice as a bikini cover up but you can totally dress it up for an evening out. In the video you’ll see me wearing one in the day and the same on a night.

That’s four interchangeable pieces to take away with you on a beach holiday which can be worn in more than one way!

Which will you try?

Want help with a Holiday Capsule Wardrobe?

My Holiday Capsule Wardrobe Workbook will be available from July.

Register your interest and join the wait list to gain exclusive access and a discount as part of my Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass.

Spring 2023 Spotlight trend: denim and how to wear it

If you’ve been shopping, you’ll have noticed new colours and styles for spring and summer. We just need the weather!

Whilst I shared this trend during my live workshop in April, One trend I wanted to spotlight this spring is denim and how to wear it.

Firstly, think beyond jeans! One of the biggest complaints I get from clients is how fed up they are of wearing jeans! This year, denim has been reinvented! Skirts, dresses, jackets, shirts and more. Different styles, cuts, patterns and washes. Try something different – like a denim dress!

In this video, I’m sharing a denim dress which totally ticks the spring 2023 trend:

Watch it here on YouTube. 

Would it surprise you to learn that this was a charity shop find? (Wakefield Hospice, The Ridings Shopping Centre, Wakefield).

It’s totally ‘on trend’ right??

Which proves the point I’m always making. Trends come and go. Be sure to check your wardrobe for something similar to the latest trends (in which case; get it worn!). Charity shops can be a great place to shop!

Here’s three considerations when shopping for denim:

1. Think about your style personality

Naturals like me, can be drawn to the ease and simplicity of denim. But, do think outside the box and try it on for ease of movement. Denim nowadays is more modern and there are different weights of denim fabric too. The dress I’ve highlighted is a much lighter weight fabric and it has pockets! Go for something that works for your style personality. For example, romantics will be drawn to embroidery, lace or jewel embellishment details. The Classics will prefer a plain item so try something like a smart denim jacket. There’s coloured and traditional denim in the shops in abundance too.

2. Think about your colouring

The lighter wash of the denim dress mans it’s perfect for lights and softs. It will work for warms (you’re best ‘warming up’ your denim and neutrals or look for a colour such as a khaki denim jacket which will give you versatility). Cools, clears and deeps will be better suited to a darker wash.

3. Think about your body shape

Denim is a structured fabric and has a tendency to sit off curves. This dress has a waistband sewn in to provide some shape and darts to create shape. Plus the material is a much lighter weight version so it’s got more movement than a traditional, heavier weight denim. This can be a great option for straight body shapes. However, if you are curvier, look for styles that follow your shape (ie. go in at the waist). Some give will be best so make sure you have some elastane and stretch in your denim or a chambray style of fabric. You could even opt for a belted shacket-style with a soft belt.

Staying up to date

As I said, trends come and go. Just because something is fashion or on trend, does not mean it will work for you. Learn what does suit you and you’ll look and feel great!

If you missed my spring/summer update, the guide featured in the video, the E-book and my recorded video masterclass are all available online until 30 September. These show you some of the colours and styles that you can find to help give you some guidance this spring/summer. Visit my shop online here.

The next live group workshop takes place on 7 October for autumn/winter. Reserve your spot here

Watch the video here

10 Spring 2023 trends

Time flies doesn’t it? At the start of April, I shared the new colour and style trends for spring / summer 2023 at my ‘what to wear’ workshop.

Having hit the shops the week before, I found a number of items to help me illustrate some of the colour and style trends to the group. During the live workshop, I go through the presentation I’ve prepared all about what you can expect, what suits you and how to make it work for you. I also use the same presentation during the recorded video masterclass (the latest version is available here). The next live group workshop will take place on 7 October and showcase the autumn/winter 2023 colour and style trends.

I’ve showcased some trends I’ve found on the high street in my latest video which you can watch on Youtube:

Here are 10 spring trends featured in the video:

1. Blue midi off the shoulder dress – Next

2. Lime Green Ruffle Sleeve Tie Back Dress – Next

3. Blue/Yellow Striped collared shirt dress – Next

4. Pink Broderie ruffle sleeve Blouse – Love & Roses at Next

5. Khaki Wide Leg Cargo Trousers – New Look

6. Blue button front midi dress – New Look

7. Metallic Silver clutch Bag – New Look

8. Pink animal print tiered dress – New Look

9. Blue Floral hanky hemline dress – Apricot Clothing at New Look 

10. Navy Botanical grecian occasion reversible dress – Apricot Clothing (also available via New Look, Next and Yumi)

Need more help?

Not all these will suit you of course! When you know what suits you, shopping really does become easier. You’ll learn this knowledge when you book a consultation, so do get in touch if the time is right for you.

If you missed the workshop, or you want to watch it again, the recorded version is available here until 30 September.

The Colour & Style guide for spring/summer 2023 is a physical handout you can pop in your handbag and available here. You’ll receive a copy of this if you book a Complete Colour Analysis Consultation between 1 April and 30 September.

Alternatively, if you’d prefer a complete digital kit of resources, my new E-Book is 20 pages and contains everything you need to know to help guide you on the spring and summer colour and style trends.

Please note. The above list contains some affiliate links which may result in a payment of commission.

Do you know the difference between body shape and body proportions?

Have you ever fell in love with something on the hanger only to discover that when you try it on it just doesn’t fit right?

Often, the reasons are down to the wrong sizing or the wrong shape. But, have you considered that it might not be made for your body proportions?

Take the elusive jumpsuit. I call it elusive as it is can be exceptionally challenging to find the right fit! It’s the perfect example where knowing your shape can still mean the garment doesn’t fit. For example, it could be too long in the body for you, or too short. It could be too short in the leg, or too long. The rise on the jump suit could be too long giving the appearance of a saggy bum, or indeed it could be too short so it digs uncomfortably in. I’m sure you get the idea and that’s before we assess the fabric!

Shape versus proportions

People get in touch often because they want to know what their body shape is and what suits them. But, if you frequently find the fit of clothes is the challenge then do consider that it might not be your shape that you’ve got wrong. It could well be your body proportions. I’ve talked about this recently in this video.

Broadly speaking, you need to consider where your waist is in proportion to the rest of your body. If you don’t have a clearly defined waist, think of where your natural bend is.

There is no right and no wrong. And, unfortunately, the retail and fashion industry don’t always make this easy as there is no uniform in sizing, cutting and shapes! But, it does help to know and understand your proportions to help you refine your clothing choices and make sure they work for you, (and not the other way round). Clever techniques exist, it’s just learning more about it.

I don’t use a tape measure, but I do assess and go through this during a style and image consultation alongside your body shape, scale and fabric cut and weight. All these factors have an impact on whether something fits and flatters you. This is why when you understand this detail, you’ll make fewer shopping mistakes. You’ll learn clever tips to balance yourself out, if you need to.

So if you’re struggling to shop for clothes or continually have to get things altered; a style and image consultation could be something that you’d really benefit from. I can’t guarantee you won’t need to get things altered. But, it might save you time and money buying something which doesn’t love you the same.

How to tuck and style a jumper

Sometimes you want some inspiration on how to wear the clothes that you’ve already got in your wardrobe.

It can be as simple as styling it a different way or wearing it differently. If you find yourself stuck in a style rut, reaching for the same things, this one is for you.

Here’s an example of two items I’ve had for years, but never worn together!

The jumper is fine, not shapeless, but the outfit doesn’t have a great sense of style, even though I’ve added a necklace.

If I was to just tuck in the jumper, it looks a bit untidy and ruffled. (not like those videos when they tuck their jumper into skirts and look effortless). You’ve got to take a bit of care with shaping it to avoid the bulges and create a nice line.

Watch this video as I show you how to tuck and shape it so it lays flat and tidy and creates some shape to your figure and silhouette.

How to tuck and style a jumper

What colour analysis consultations are available?

It’s been wonderful to receive lots of enquiries around colour analysis consultations recently!

One of the common questions is if more than one person can book a session. Of course!

Here I’ve detailed more information but, if you’d prefer to watch my video summarising this, click here.

One to two people

Individual consultations are the most popular, but you can experience the same session for two. Come with a friend or family member and get your colours (or your style) done together. More details of the sessions can be found here.

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday, subject to availability and take place during the day. Typically an individual session lasts around 1.5 to 2 hours. For a joint session, please allow around 3.5 hours.


Since Covid, the demand for groups have slowly risen and as a result, I’ve created some new packages. Full details of these can be found here.

The size of your group and how much time you have will influence the type of session available.

I’ve summarised the options below based on the size of group. However, if there’s something you’d prefer, have more or less people or anything specific in mind, do get in touch and I’ll try to accommodate your request.

3 to 5 people

For up to five people, my ‘Colour Confidence‘ workshop has been adapted using my basic colour analysis consultation.

As a group, you’ll learn about your colours and be able to see the impact of wearing colour on each other too. These sessions are more interactive and you’ll each take away your own set of fabric colour swatches.

Broadly speaking, you’ll need to allow a good half a day for this type of workshop. If you’re interested in booking a session, do get in touch.

6 to 12 people

For a slightly larger group, a format which works really well is my colour party.

It’s a great way to introduce you and your friends or family to the colour analysis system which I use and the different colouring types.

Everyone will learn what their core colouring type is, but you won’t learn the nitty gritty and depth of detail which I cover in the smaller sessions.

Typically lasting around 2 to 3 hours, they’re a fabulous way of gaining an introduction to colour analysis for anyone not quite ready to take the full colour analysis experience. They can also be a very cost effective and fun way to get a group together at a venue of your choice.

Work events, talks and presentations for more than 12 people

Depending upon your requirements, the group sessions mentioned above can be tweaked to fit your talk, presentation or work meeting. Ultimately, it’s down to the time you have available, how many you have attending, and what budget you have to spend. So, if there’s anything specific you’d like and you’ve got a larger group, the best thing to do is get in touch and I’ll be delighted to come back to you with a proposal.

I have been invited to all sorts of work meetings, sports and social clubs, schools and W.I meetings. If you’re looking for a speaker to deliver a talk, presentation or something a little different then this could be it!

Watch this video summarising the colour analysis consultations available:

Watch: What colour analysis consultations are available here

To book your session, get in touch

Fuss-free necklace ideas when you don’t wear jewellery

Have you got any parties planned?

I’m sharing some tips on jewellery here as I find a lot of people struggle to accessorise their outfits. Sometimes, it’s about knowing where to start so I do hope they inspire you.

This is ideal for you if:

– You’re not a big jewellery fan

– You struggle to wear costume jewellery

– If you’re a natural style personality

– You’re a classic style personality who prefers a minimalist look

– You don’t want to stand out from the crowd

– Hate anything jangly or noisy

– You’d rather all eyes be on what you’re wearing and not your accessories

– Prefer to look classy and fuss-free

I produced this short video and shared it on Instagram a few months ago. I’d been asked for some ideas to ‘dress up’ a simple dress a client had picked to wear to an event. She wanted some ideas on ‘how’ to wear jewellery for such an occasion.

Simply by having a look in my jewellery box, I managed to come up with these 10 simple ideas to show you.

Here’s the list and do watch the video below:

1. Pearls (real or not)

2. Beads

3. Layers

4. Small chain

5. Choker

6. Textures

7. Long

8. Large pendants

9. Tassel

10. Diamond

I’m sure if you take a look inside your own jewellery box, you’ll have similar items. If this has inspired you and you think you’ve identified a gap, then do consider picking something up. There are lots fo good budget options available if you’d prefer to experiment without investing in the real thing.

Some of these items I’ve had for years! As a natural, I don’t tend to wear these all the time of course! They do tend to come out for dressing up occasions and where the outfit needs it.

Your Style personality is something we go into detail about during a style and image consultation.

Visit this page for more details.

Watch: 10 simple necklace ideas

Do you feel dread when you open your wardrobe doors?

Do you ever feel disheartened or frustrated when you open your wardrobe doors?

It’s something I hear a lot and it can be changed.

When you have a wardrobe full of clothes you don’t wear, you can also feel embarrassed or ashamed. If these clothes haven’t been worn, you can feel like you’ve wasted a lot of money too.

Here’s some common things I hear:

They don’t fit you (sometimes they never did…)

You can’t remember why you even bought them!

They don’t go with anything you’ve got in your wardrobe

They just don’t look right or feel right when you put them on and you don’t know why

Rest assured, these are all things that you can get better at!

The simple way to create a wardrobe of your dreams is to learn what clothes do suit you so you know what to shop for.

Don’t beat yourself up though – it happens to so many people. But you do need to stop, take a break and perhaps get some help.

That’s where I come in. As a colour consultant and personal stylist, I can help you learn what clothes flatter you so that you can look and feel fabulous!

Watch my video here

Get in touch now to book your session

Sessions are available virtually and in person at the studio in Wakefield.

NEW Autumn/Winter 2022 Seasonal Masterclass

I am excited to announce the launch of the new on-demand seasonal masterclass!

It’s not always possible to attend my live group workshops or to record them.

That’s why, these on-demand masterclasses are available! They go through the detail of the latest colour and style trends you can expect to find in the current season.

Whilst they are pre-recorded, I do talk you through the same slides I’ve used in the group workshop from 1st October. I’ll go through the latest colour and style trends in much more detail, where you’ll find them and how to wear them.

The next masterclass is available here:

Autumn/Winter 2022/3 – On-demand seasonal Masterclass

You can also watch this short video explaining more about it below.

Watch the introductory video on Youtube:

These are recorded twice a year. They coincide with the Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter trends. Each video typically lasts around 30 to 45 minutes. You’ll receive a link to the pre-recorded video and can watch and listen to it in your own time. I’ll talk you through the same presentation slides used in the seasonal ‘what to wear’ workshops.

The Spring/Summer 2023 workshop, guide and masterclass is available from 1 April 2023.

Register your interest in ‘seasonal updates’ and join the wait list to receive a 5 day pre-launch offer here.

How to shop for your colours

When you know the shades of colours which make you look fabulous, you’ll make fewer shopping mistakes. It’s the top thing I’m told when people come to me to ‘get their colours done’!

Learning your colouring type and how to wear colour makes it so much easier to identify what suits you. You’ll find you’re able to create more outfits from what you have. Over time, your wardrobe becomes more coordinated – it just takes a little practice.

Armed with your fabric swatches from your colour consultation, you’ll be keen to shop for your colours.

How to shop for your colours

If you’re on the hunt for a specific colour, take a look at Kettlewell Colours. They’re a great clothing source with good staple items in a variety of colours, aimed at people who’ve had a colour analysis. Browse the range here: (There’s also a link on my ‘shop‘ page.)

Their clothes are primarily designed and organised by seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter, as Melissa (the owner) was seasonally analysed and struggled finding her colours all year round.

If you’ve had a colour analysis by a colour me beautiful consultant in the last 15 years, you’ll have been TONALLY analysed and you can still shop on Kettlewell. I’m sharing how to do so in the video below (also on Youtube).

With a tonal analysis. you’ll learn your “dominant’ and ‘sub-dominant’ colouring type, based upon the colour of your hair (as it is now), your skin tone and your eye colour. Your dominant colouring type will be one of six , rather than one of four seasons – light, warm, deep, clear, cool or soft. The tonal system of analysis is what I use in my colour analysis consultations. (find out more here).

I’ve created a video to demonstrate how you can search for your colours on their website. It makes searching online for pieces much easier!

Kettlewell update their collection regularly and they have a much wider selection of colours than you’re likely to find on the high street.

The latest colour and style trends is available through my seasonal updates which are updated twice per year. You’ll find more details here.


Watch the video on shopping for your colours here

If you do get stuck or need some advice, get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.

Register your interest in ‘seasonal updates‘ and you’ll be eligible for a pre-launch offer each October and April.

What’s the Autumn ‘what to wear’ workshop?

Let me do the hard work for you this Autumn!

Here’s an update on the next seasonal workshop and what you can expect. This event occurs every April and October so this time round, it’s for Autumn and Winter colour and style trends.

There are two events to choose from; an in person event which takes place at TLC studio HQ and a virtual event which takes place online via zoom.

Both events take place on Saturday 1st October at 10am (in person) and 2pm (online).

In this video, I’m sharing details of the event but also how you can get your hands on the NEW colour and style update guide and what’s involved to qualify for the early bird bonus which is available (but only if you’re quick).


Here’s some highlights and links not to miss:

If you missed the Spring / Summer 2022 style update guide, this is now reduced and on sale on the website, but only whilst stocks last. Visit it here.

The ‘What to wear’ workshop – autumn/winter 2022 takes place on Saturday 1 October at 10am and 2pm. You’ll find full details on the event here.

IN PERSON tickets are available to purchase here:

ONLINE tickets are available to purchase here:

The Autumn / winter new Colour & Style Update guide are available to purchase online from 1 October UNLESS you opt in to my ‘seasonal update’ waitlist when you’ll get a 5 day pre-launch exclusive offer. Register your details here to receive your offers.


Any questions, do get in touch but I’d love to see you there!

Watch the video here:

Warm & cool colour collection packages

If it’s been some years since your colour analysis consultation, let me introduce you to my special colour collection packages.

There are two packages available – one warm and one cool based. They are available even if you haven’t been colour analysed by me or tonally under the colour me beautiful system.

I have designed each package personally which includes:

– six extra colours and fabric swatches

– suggested makeup combinations

– colour combination guide

– a colourful tote bag made from 100% cotton

These additional six new fabric swatches can be added to your existing swatch wallet. (try adding into the right hand side cover). If you’ve got a full set of colour me beautiful swatches, this will take you to 48 colours.

The card comes in its own plastic cover which helps to protect it from damage. It means you can use it whichever style of colour swatch wallet you own as it can also be kept separately.

On the reverse of the card includes some new makeup combinations which you can try out for yourself. These feature the colour me beautiful range of cosmetic colours designed to suit your dominant and sub-dominant colouring types.

PLUS, you’ll also receive a selection of colour combos designed to inspire you. These feature the new colours from your extra card and suggested ways to combine them with your neutrals and other colours in your dominant swatches. This is a digital guide and you’ll receive a link to download it.

You’ll also receive a colourful tote bag made from 100% cotton which is the perfect addition and accessory to your outfit! The colour of the tote and the slogan printed on one side will be selected by me. Rest assured it will be a ‘warm’ or ‘cool’ colour depending upon your order.

Get the warm package here and the cool package here or watch this video for more details.

Find out more by watching the video here

Here’s some frequently asked questions regarding the packages:


It’s perfect for you if you’ve been analysed as either a ‘warm’ or ‘cool’ dominant colouring type, or you’ve got a warm or cool undertone to your skin.

(Hint: check the bottom of your swatch cards for the colouring type name if you’re unsure).


If you’ve been analysed as a Light, Deep, Clear or Soft as your dominant colouring type, you will either have a warm or cool sub dominant as your secondary type, depending upon your skin tone. You’ll have learnt your sub-dominant during a full colour analysis consultation. Occasionally, you may have a neutral tone to your skin meaning that both warmer tones and cooler tones of colours will work for you. If this is the case, contact us for a discount on purchasing both packages.

If you’ve been seasonally analysed, you’ll still have a warmer or cooler tone so these packages will still be relevant to you.


If you haven’t benefited from a full sub-dominant analysis, you could be either warm or cool toned. To ensure you get the right swatches, book for a top up session with me. I will assess your secondary and tertiary analysis during a one hour session and you’ll gain this additional card plus a further 12 fabric swatches. You’ll leave the session with an additional 18 fabric swatches across three additional cards which you can add to your existing swatches, taking the total to 48. This session takes place in person at the studio in Wakefield. Contact to book.


A seasonal colour analysis is a slightly different method of analysis (more info here.) If you’re happy that this assessment is accurate and your hair colour hasn’t drastically changed since the time of your consultation, get in touch. Contact me confirming your seasonal colouring type and I’ll recommend the option must suitable for you. Email:


Stock levels and designs do vary so it’s not always possible to meet your request. Rest assured that each of the bags have been carefully selected by me based upon the colour to meet the colouring type and the slogan designs may vary. If there is a specific colour or slogan that you would prefer (or not), please do get in touch before you place your order:


Your new swatch card and stylish tote bag will be posted via Royal Mail to the delivery address you state in your order.

The colour combinations guide is a digital guide. You will receive a link to download the document when your order is complete. Simply click the link to download and open the guide. You can then save it or print it out.


If you’ve had a full colour analysis consultation recently, the best way to check is your existing swatches. If you have an additional card which states ‘cool collection’ or ‘warm collection’ on the bottom of the card, then you already have the new collection so there’s no need to purchase.

Feel free to get in touch if you’re in any doubt:


Simply click ‘add to basket’ below and you can proceed to the checkout – enjoy!

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Tips on packing for a beach holiday

As summer solstice has officially begun (astronomically speaking), I wanted to share my tips to help you pack for a beach holiday.

How many of you have packed more than what you needed?

Simply put, think about holiday packing, almost like a mini capsule wardrobe.

It’s all in the planning.

Make a list

List out each day and what you’ll be doing roughly speaking (sight seeing, boat trip, beach, shopping etc). When you know how you’ll be spending your time, you’ll find it easier to pack what you need. Research the weather so you know whether you need to pack a rain jacket or an umbrella.

Get them out

You want to lay everything out that ideally you’d like to take and put them out on say a bed so you can see everything. When they’re all laid out see how easily they combine together in terms of colours and how many outfits you have.

For example, do you really want to take that one top if you’ve got nothing to wear it with when you’re over there? Leave it at home.

Interchangeable pieces

These are items which you can wear differently or use differently or wear for both day and night.

For example, your handbag that you travel to the airport with, could that also be used for the beach?

Another idea is a pashmina, which you might have as like a coverup for the evenings if it does get a little bit cooler, but you can also use it as a sarong.

Shoes and bags

How many of you take too many pairs of shoes? What I like to do is restrict my footwear, which is a challenge I have to admit.

And, I take one bag. I choose on practicality and ideally in neutrals or metallic colours so they’ll combine easily with other items.


In this video, I’m sharing what I’m packing for a four night break to Spain.

Watch the video here


Planning your outfits and what you’ll wear means you won’t overpack and when you get into the habit, it becomes less of a chore!

If you are finding that there isn’t enough outfits then this is where a carefully planned shopping trip can help. Because you’ll know the specifics of what you’re doing it will also make it easier to shop with purpose!

Help is available! Whether it’s shopping or identifying the right colours and styles for you, don’t struggle alone.

Get in touch today:

Virtual guides – how to create a capsule wardrobe that works for you

It’s been over two years since I ventured into the virtual world offering online service and support. I continue to offer this alongside my in-person consultations and appointments.

I’ve found the services I offer do need to be adapted for an online world. (I covered the differences between online and in-person colour analysis in the frequently asked questions here.)

This has meant that I’ve been able to work with people all over the world which is pretty pleasing if I’m honest. It’s amazing how many more ways there are to help and support people – locally or not.

Having worked with clients over a number of years, the term capsule wardrobe was always coming up but I wasn’t a fan of what you read in the glossy mags. They didn’t often align to my own thoughts and advice to clients so I decided to create my own guide!

Introducing my capsule wardrobe workbook

Initially I created this workbook to accompany my Capsule Wardrobe Workshop in November 2020. Since then, I’ve run the workshop many times and received fantastic feedback. (Visit the next event here.) I updated the workbook for my 2022 workshop earlier this year.

The workbook allows you to do-it-yourself at a speed and time to suit you. It walks you through the key stages involved in creating your own capsule wardrobe.

It’s a practical way of approaching the task. Your wardrobe is something you use every day so it needs be designed in a way that works for you.

Having been asked by people who couldn’t join the live workshop if they could received a copy of the guide, I decided to make it available as a stand-alone guide.

What’s included in the capsule wardrobe workbook

  1. Learn how to calculate the true cost of an item and why it’s important.
  2. Use my strategy to audit your wardrobe simply.
  3. Understand how to analyse your wardrobe and contents.
  4. How to plan and create a wardrobe that works for you.
  5. The difference between investment buys and fashion buys.
  6. When to use neutral and accent colours.
  7. Learn about the versatility of items.
  8. What to include in your capsule wardrobe (including an example).
  9. Checklists allowing you to identify the items you have, what gaps you have and what you need to buy.
  10. Capsule cosmetic checklist.
  11. Top tips.
  12. Discount against a consultation.

To get your hands on a copy of the workbook, you’ll find it here:

I’m working on other guides but if there’s something you’d love to get your hands on, do let me know:

Watch the video: Introducing the capsule wardrobe workshop

The wardrobe hanging trick you must try

If you’ve got a bulging wardrobe, it can feel difficult to let things go, right?

You’ve got lots of reasons to keep them – they’re new, you’ve not had chance to wear them yet, they don’t fit, it’s for a special occasion etc. Yet, you hold onto them ‘just in case’.

Something I’ve found more and more is how much people’s lifestyles have changed. This can mean the clothes you reach for now, aren’t the same as the ones you used to reach for 2 years ago, let alone 5 or 8 years ago. This is something I talked about in this recent blog.

There’s often an emotional connection with our clothes which is why I’m often invited to help declutter and audit people’s wardrobes.

Try this

One thing which is so easy and effective is this wardrobe hanging trick.

It’s so simple to do and is a must if you find yourself wearing the same things on repeat.

The idea being that it’s a visual exercise. You’ll see patterns emerging and see the split of the clothes you do wear as well as the ones you don’t.

Once you’ve identified the items you aren’t wearing, question why not and if it’s time to let them go. As you go along, try challenging yourself to reach for another hanger that hasn’t been turned!

It’s worth doing for 30 days to get a really good idea, but you can try it for longer. I tend to reset my own hangers at the start of every year and declutter as I go along.

Watch this video explaining the hanger trick on my Youtube channel

Spring/Summer 2022 Seasonal Masterclass

Introducing the on-demand seasonal masterclasses!

Pre-recorded videos and presentation showing you the colour and style trends for each season. You can watch these on-demand and at a time that suits you.

Perfect if you can’t attend the live group What to wear workshops but you still want to learn the latest colour and style trends and how to wear them.

Each seasonal masterclass lasts roughly 30 minutes. You’ll receive a link to a pre-recorded video in which you can watch and listen as I talk you through the same presentation and slides I use in the seasonal group workshops.

You’ll learn:

  • The latest colours for your dominant colouring type
  • Where to find and what the latest styles and trends are
  • Tips on how to make them work for you

The Spring/Summer 2022 on-demand masterclass is available to purchase here.

The Autumn/Winter masterclass will be available from 1 October 2022.

Watch this 2 minute video for more details.