In one word – yes!
In a lot of words….It depends upon the type of colour analysis consultation you had, how long ago it was and if any of your features have changed. I often find people get in touch years later feel different in what they wear. Sometimes, this could be because of changes in your physical appearance (eg. your hair colour), a change in career or retirement or simply big changes in your life. Feel free to get in touch for a chat if this sounds like you. Read on for a recent client scenario.
Let me share this recent example
Debbie came to see me as she was feeling that things had changed. She’d had her colours analysed around 15 years ago and now approaching her 50th birthday, wanted to check if her colours really had changed as she suspected.
At the time, she was analysed as a soft, warm and light colouring type with the Colour me beautiful system. (I’ve talked about previous colour analysis types here and the differing colouring types here if you want to read more.)
After reviewing her features and different shade of colour during a colour review session, Debbie’s colouring had in fact changed.
This time, she was a warm, soft and deep colouring type.
What changed?
Mainly, it was Debbie’s hair colour.
She’d been blonder and lighter during her initial colour analysis. Now, her hair was more golden with auburn tones which impacted her overall features that her dominant colouring type had shifted. Now, the golden, warmer, yellow based tones were much more lifting against her hair rather than the dusty and muted tones of her original dominant palette.
I asked Debbie if she’d found herself not feeling or looking ‘right’ in any of the colours in her swatches. Debbie agreed that some of the cooler, bluer tones of the soft palette didn’t look as flattering as her warmer, yellow tones. They often felt too ‘cool’ for her and she didn’t feel that they were in balance when she saw her reflection.
This is always a tell-tale sign. Whilst you may not be able to identify exactly why, the human eye is always looking for harmony and balance. So, if you’re finding something looks off, you’re probably right! A colour analysis will always help you to identify why and how to wear your best shades of colour.
This dominant colouring type change also impacted the sub-dominant types for Debbie too. She now has a total new set of fabric colour swatches and a much more complimentary palette of colours.
Here’s a comparison of Debbie’s previous swatches versus her new ones:
Debbie sent me this message when she got home.
Thank you so much for today.
It was lovely to meet you and to gain your experience and knowledge on everything about colour, body shape and style personality.
Amy loved observing and we talked about it all, on the drive back to Bury.
Thank you for updating my colour swatches, as part of the colour review. It was really interesting to see the change after all these years since having ‘my colours done’ previously.
As soon as I got back home, I lifted clothes out of my wardrobe that no longer fit the new dominant warm and have put these to one side to pass on to someone else, who will suit them better or will fit with their style personality.
The information about body shape and style personality is great and I am sure once I’ve read the book, I’ll have tons more questions about this too.