What happens during a colour analysis consultation and what can you expect?

Colour analysis consultations are the most popular service available. They are often the subject of discussion on the blogs, in Youtube videos and on social media.

But, what can you expect when you book a colour analysis consultation at the studio? Here’s the low-down.


When you arrive for your appointment, I’ll greet you and invite you into the studio. Refreshments are provided and as you get settled on the sofa and fill in a record card, I’ll put the kettle on.

Drink in hand, we’ll have a brief chat about your wardrobe, clothes and expectations.

Introduction to colour analysis theory and science

You’ll hear about the three elements of colour analysis and learn about the core colouring types.

We’ll begin with basic colour theory, the impact of colour and how to wear different shades. I’ll share some advice on what to look for and how to wear colours so you can feel confident about getting the most out of what you already have in your wardrobe.

I’ll explain the science behind colour analysis using Munsell colour theory and the colour wheel which underpins tonal colour analysis. (I’ve talked about the science briefly in the past which you can revisit here)

A colour analysis consultation is not about shoe-horning you into a box, but understanding the relationship between your physical characteristics and how these factors also feature in all colours. This helps you to determine whether a shade of a colour suits you better, or not at all.

To prepare you for the next stage, you’ll take a seat facing a large mirror and I’ll place a white cape around your neck. No need to worry about what to wear, it’s covered here.

Colour testing

In the studio there’s a table top with 145 precision-dyed coloured fabric sheets called ‘drapes’. The drapes don’t lie! They show you the impact of colour against your features so you can understand how to wear it.

Using coloured panels and these fabrics, I’ll place them under your chin and across your chest to determine your core colour type taking into account your physical features. Your core colour type will be one of six – light, deep, warm, cool, clear or soft and muted. Using the fabric helps to show the impact of the colours against your features to create harmony and balance. (I’ve covered the things to avoid recently here).

With your dominant colour type determined, I’ll go on to ‘test’ you twice more in the same way to refine your palette further. These ‘tests’ will assess your sub-dominants (your secondary and tertiary colours), so you have a personalised palette of colours which compliment you the most. Should you decide to book a dominant colour analysis only, this second and third element of testing will be skipped. Your colour type is made up of each of the three elements – the depth, the undertone and the clarity.

The colour swatches

Me showing my own colour swatches (there's 48 in a full palette now)

Showing my own fabric colour swatches (there’s 48 in a full palette now)

Having determined your colour type, I’ll put your colour swatches together. There’s an outer wallet cover, inside are strips of card containing fabric samples in plastic which match the precision-dyed drapes in the studio. This opens out so you can see your whole palette of colours together. There’s a summary card and my details included too.

Your colour swatches will help you shop your colours. Use them to review what you’ve already got and when buying anything new. During the session, I’ll explain how to use them and what the symbols and names mean too.


Makeup application

If you booked a session to include a makeup application, we’ll now discuss your skincare and makeup routine before I prescribe and apply your best makeup shades.

The cosmetics and skincare products in the studio are from Colour me Beautiful. The makeup has been specifically designed to compliment each colour type making it a breeze to shop for cosmetics in the colours which suit you. Most products have been manufactured in the UK with some vegan friendly. The entire skincare range is organic and vegan and you can sample most products at home too – just ask.

It’s a great opportunity to sample colours and products you wouldn’t normally as they are only available from Colour me Beautiful consultants.

You’re under no obligation, but all products are available to purchase on the day, and in the future. Anything not in stock, can be posted or collected and bought online through the colour me beautiful shop. Full disclosure: any purchases made through this dedicated website (which contains my name at the top), will generate a payment of commission.


Colour draping and combinations

Face transformed, it’s now time to show you your complete look as we go back to your colours.

During this part of the session, I’ll show you every colour in your swatches including your neutrals. As we go through them, I’ll talk you through how best to wear them and show you different combinations. You’ll have colours you’ve never worn before and some which are more familiar. This is an opportunity to get ideas on how you’ll be able to wear and introduce them once you leave the studio.

Summary and end of session

Having gone through your colours and played with different combinations, we’ll have reached the end of your consultation. Before you leave, I’ll give you some reminders and package up your wallet (30 swatches for a dominant, 42 for your full colour type, 48 for the complete set including the bonus collection card) with any items you’ve bought or included in your session.

After you leave

Most clients head straight home to their wardrobe to review what they’ve got and the rest hit the shops! A colour analysis consultation can last up to 2 hours so you’re unlikely to remember everything we’ll have discussed! So, I always follow up afterwards to help keep you on track and inspire you on your new colour journey using the email address you provided on the record card when you arrived. You can opt-out any time.


I hope this answers any questions you have about what to expect during a colour analysis consultation.

Should you have any further queries, or you’d like to book your appointment, get in touch: toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk.

Nine tell-tale signs that you’re wearing the wrong colour

When you wear a colour which isn’t right for you, it shows. Sometimes, it may be subtle but other times, the effect is so dramatic that you immediately take it off!

This year, colour analysis has exploded on social media. But, if I’m honest, I’ve seen lots of examples where people have arrived at their own colour conclusion, which hasn’t been right for them.

Or, they’ve asked people online and in forums what ‘season’ they are or what colours suit them. The people telling them are no more qualified than the person asking the question. They’re sharing an opinion on what they think rather than what is accurate. Colour Analysis (with a professional) is based upon a science and basic colour theory. It’s not an opinion.

I’m a bit gutted for them to be honest. I know how exciting it is to find out your colours and learn how to create a wardrobe of coordinating items that do flatter you. Unfortunately, the ones who haven’t quite got it right end up spending more money on clothes that don’t suit them. And, they don’t understand why because someone online told them, or the filter they used made them look good.

So, I wanted to call out some really obvious tell-tale signs that the colour you’re wearing isn’t right for you:

You feel the need to add more blusher

Essentially, you’re looking ‘washed out’ and so you’re trying to add some colour to your face. A classic sign that the colour you’re wearing close to your face isn’t right for you.

You want to reach for a bright lipstick

Feeling the need to balance out what you’re wearing often means the colour isn’t right as it’s taking the limelight away from you and your features. It’s all about the colour that you’re wearing rather than you. Colour doesn’t always mean bright either whether that’s in clothes or lipsticks.

It’ll look great with a tan

What if you don’t tan? Now you’ve got to fake tan?? Essentially, the colour is either overwhelming you (too bright/too warm) or washing you out (too heavy/too pale). Needing to artificially and temporarily alter the look of your skin to make the garment suit you better isn’t the right consideration.

There’s a glow under your chin

Remember when you were a child and you held a buttercup under your chin to see if you liked butter?? (I sincerely hope this wasn’t just me or now I look like a plonker). Anyway, there’s a difference between a ‘glow’ and ‘glowing’. A glow usually means that the colour you’re wearing closest to your face is reflecting upwards to your features. Usually, under your chin which creates a reflection or a glow. Glowing occurs when the colour doesn’t reflect onto your skin, instead you look brighter and your skin looks clearer. You’re glowing because the colour is harmonising with you and not isolating itself from you.

You’ve got shadows/dark circles/look tired

If you’re already shattered, you don’t need colours to make you look worse! The colours you wear should make you look (and feel) healthier and brighter. Lines and shadows accentuated aren’t a good look.

You look ill

Ever had someone come up to you and ask if you’re feeling ok? Or that you look a bit ‘peaky’ and actually, you were feeling just fine? Colours which make you look poorly or cast a funny colour to your skin tone ar doing you no favours. Unless you wanted to be sent home of course.

Your jaw line has disappeared / you’ve got a 5 o’clock shadow

Often I see that the definition in your features disappears in the wrong colour tone. A defined jawline is what you want. For the guys, if you look like you need a shave (and you’ve had one already), it’s not right for you. Ditch it.

Your skin looks dirty

Assuming you’ve washed then the colour is clearly wrong for you!

Your skin looks red and agitated

Usually, this means that the colour is fighting against your skin tone and it’s bringing out blemishes and heightening redness in your cheeks and veins. The right shade of colour should balance out imperfections, not highlight them and make them look worse.

Why get a professional colour analysis?

This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list but things I hear and frequently see during my colour analysis consultations. I’ve been colour analysing clients for over 10 years and I’ve seen lots of ladies, and some men.

A colour analysis consultation with a professional is an investment. Do your research so that you can feel confident that you’re getting an analysis from a trained professional.

As a professional, I’ve trained in this field (with Colour me Beautiful) and what to look for using basic colour theory. I don’t offer a ‘seasonal’ colour analysis but a ‘tonal’ one which I feel is much more refined. Not everyone fits neatly into one of the four seasons and I assess your full colouring type based upon all your physical features. I don’t cover your hair and I don’t assess your skin tone based upon the colour of your veins.

I explain all this and what to look for to my clients during a colour analysis session so that when they go shopping, they know what to look for. They’ve got their swatches to use as a helpful guide too, not a bible or rule-book to follow. I can take you shopping of course, but I know realistically, it’s not always possible for me to be with you every second of the day. My clients get continued advice via email following their appointment to help support and guide them on their journey.



Get in touch to book your appointment: toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk

WIll you tell me to wear bright colours?

Firstly, it’s not for me to tell you what to wear! I’m not your mother and you’ve made a decision to come for advice. My aim is to arm you with the right information so that you can put it into practice when you leave your session with me.

What many people don’t realise is how many shades of colours there are. Just because it’s a colour, doesn’t mean it has to be bright.

The features of a colour

All colours have features to them and during a colour analysis consultation, I’ll explain more about colour theory and the Munsell System which I use in my colour consultations.

Colours which compliment your features and characteristics will naturally brighten your overall look. You’ll look healthier and your eyes will brighten. Dark shadows, discolouration or those that wash you out aren’t complimenting your features and don’t bring out the best of you. In simple terms, this is the impact of a colour against your features and it can be good, or not quite so good.

The combinations of colours together can also change the impact and appearance of the colour.

Take this example.

A light and a dark colour together such as black and white, will create a high level of contrast between the two shades.

Whereas if you ‘dull’ the shades down slightly making them off-white and grey, the contrast will be less severe and less harsh. There will be less contrast between the light and dark shade.

Some people are better suited to having more contrast, others not quite so much.

Your fabric choice can also affect the colour too. Choose something shiny like satin and it will brighten the appearance of the colour because it reflects the light.

Fifty shades of grey

For someone who feels afraid of colour, or that they’ll stand out too much, a colour analysis may feel daunting. It’s worth noting that there isn’t just one shade of neutral either. Fifty shades of grey there may be, but have you ever tried to get the same shade of navy, camel or white??

Within everyone’s palette is a range of neutral and a range of colours. By understanding the fundamentals of how colour is made up and how this refers and impacts on your own characteristics, you can use this understanding to make better buying decisions.

The consultation and swatches

A basic colour analysis assess your core, or dominant colouring type and you’ll take away 30 shades of colour most suited to you based upon your core features.

However, this is refined even further during the Complete Colour Analysis consultation. Your sub-dominant colouring types are analysed (your secondary and tertiary types) which takes you to 48 shades in your swatches. The range of colours included will have different elements and features which harmonise with you and who you are.

Yes, there may be brighter shades than others but ultimately, it’s all about how you wear them. That’s what you’ll learn during your colour analysis consultation.

My services are an investment in yourself after all.

Book your colour analysis consultation today!


Does having a tan change your colouring type?

This is a common question which comes up, especially around the holiday season and summer time.

The short answer is; no. Your colouring type won’t change if you have a tan. This is the case whether you had a seasonal analysis or a tonal analysis consultation.

Let me expand further.

Your colouring is ultimately determined by your genetics, so will remain broadly unchanged in the event of a tan.

As you gain more colour to your skin, it will add more of a ‘glow’ to your facial features. This isn’t permanent but you will find that some colours begin to look much better against your skin than when you were paler by comparison.

Many people tend to reach for brighter or more vibrant colours in sunnier times. This is more of a psychological effect of the brighter sunnier days impacting how we feel and wearing brighter, sunnier looking clothes.

Having a tan will likely mean that you need to change your foundation shade. You may also feel that you don’t require as much coverage as you normally would without a tan.

Unless your tan is fake, it really won’t affect your colouring type. Fake tan tends to be warm/yellow toned which can therefore dramatically change the appearance of your actual skin tone, even if you are cool toned.

Either way, don’t let having a tan put you off booking a colour consultation to learn your best shades of colour.

Get in touch to learn your best shades of colour (and how to wear them)

Will my colouring type change?

I’m often asked if you can change palettes over the years, or whether you’ll stay the same colouring type from your initial analysis.

The short answer – it depends on various factors.

So, here’s the long answer and the circumstances which can affect your palette and therefore, your colouring type.

Hair colour changes

If you invested in a colour analysis many years ago, the first thing to consider is whether the same colours still flatter your physical features or if they look a bit ‘off’.

In my experience, it’s likely to be a change in your physical appearance. I see so many ladies who might have been analysed when they had dark brown hair initially and years later, have lightened their hair or gone au natural.

The impact of such a dramatic change in hair colour (and therefore physical appearance) will mean the harmony between your features and the colours you wear will change. Stronger, richer or bolder colours may be too overwhelming for your more delicate or softer appearance.

Let’s say you were mousey or fair haired and now have a more striking red and auburn tones to your hair. The muted colours of previous may well not have enough ‘bite’ or drama for you. (And, I’m guessing you probably stopped using your swatches some time ago!)

Having worked with some cancer patients over the years, a result can often be hair loss. Many have found that their hair grows back very differently! This may result in a dramatic change to your appearance and therefore an impact on the colours that once loved you, might not love you the same now.

A side note on makeup. Choose the wrong shade of lipstick or even blusher and nothing you wear will look quite right! Don’t forget to review your makeup colours when you review the colours that you wear. If you do want a makeup refresh, get in touch to arrange your appointment.

You were analysed as a ‘season’

This comes up fairly frequently. Many people first had their colours analysed decades ago when colour analysis first appeared in the UK from the US.

Having been previously analysed as a season, they’ve come for an update as they felt their colours weren’t working for them anymore. Initially I was analysed as a ‘summer’ and had 33 coloured swatches in my wallet. The majority suited me well but there were a handful of them which I felt rather washed out in. I didn’t regret the analysis at all, just felt that it wasn’t quite as refined as it could be for me. At the time, seasonal analysis was the only method available. Over the years, things have advanced and changed and other methods of colour analysis exist.

Tonal analysis

The four seasonal approach (spring, summer, autumn, winter) can be restrictive if you don’t fit neatly into the one season (like me as a ‘summer’). The tonal system, (used in my colour analysis consultations) is much more flexible and more refined to you.

Based upon the Albert Munsell Colour Theory and the combination of your current hair colour, eye colour and skin-tone. It assesses the shades of colours most suited to you using the value, clarity and hue of your features and colours to determine the shades which will flatter you the most. It’s a 24-palette system designed to be more reflective of you and your features.

Colouring change examples

I don’t have photographic evidence of every client transformation but I do have lots of examples! Some clients aren’t comfortable or happy having their photo taken and shared with the world which I totally respect.

Here’s a few examples I do have to share.

Carol was a ‘spring’ and got in touch as her hair colour had changed. When wearing her ‘best’ colours, she found that they just weren’t flattering for her now.

After a re-assessment, she was a wonderful ‘cool’ and she set about tackling her wardrobe creating new combinations.

She even found things in her wardrobe which she’d not worn as a spring’ but now found they flattered her perfectly.


















You may recognise this chap!

Cliff Bashforth is the MD of Colour me Beautiful and has moved from a Soft & Warm palette and now to a Cool & Soft one. His transition has been subtle and occurred over ..ahem..many years. It’s something I see frequently with clients as they age naturally.









I’ve written about Debbie in the past. She’d previously been analysed as a soft, warm and light colouring type and having found certain shades in her palette weren’t working, she came to see me for a colour review.

She’d changed to warm, soft and deep colouring type instead. She’d been blonder and lighter during her previous colour analysis and her hair was more golden which meant a shift in her dominant colouring type (soft to warm) as well as her sub-dominants (warm & light to soft & deep). You can read more and revisit the blog here.

Last but not least, two sisters. Chris and Gill came to see me for a review as part of a birthday celebration! Chris’s colouring type had changed slightly, but Gill’s really hadn’t much. Chris was previously a light, cool & soft and a decade on, had changed slightly. She was now a soft, cool & light which she felt much happier with. Gill on the other hand remained a soft, warm & light. Whilst her features had softened slightly, her colour palette still worked and suited her.

These examples illustrate some of the scenarios when your colouring type or colour palette may well change.

So, if you find that your colours are starting to look a little ‘off’, it may be time for a colour review.

Colour Reviews and Colour Analysis

There are many benefits to a colour analysis consultation, whether you’ve had one in the past or this is your first discovery. I’ve covered six benefits here.

Colour Reviews are aimed at those who have been analysed before and would like re-assessing to determine if their colouring type has changed. A colour review is only available to my previous clients who have been fully analysed by me.

For those who are unfamiliar with the tonal colour analysis system or never had their colours analysed before, there are various colour analysis options available. Simply visit this page for full details.

You’ll gain a greater understanding of the impact of colour, learn your colouring type and how to wear colour.

Replacement wallet covers, fabric and digital swatches are available without an appointment here.


Appointments are available Monday to Saturday. To enquire about availability, just get in touch! Toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk


In one word – yes!

In a lot of words….It depends upon the type of colour analysis consultation you had, how long ago it was and if any of your features have changed. I often find people get in touch years later feel different in what they wear. Sometimes, this could be because of changes in your physical appearance (eg. your hair colour), a change in career or retirement or simply big changes in your life. Feel free to get in touch for a chat if this sounds like you. Read on for a recent client scenario.

Let me share this recent example

Debbie came to see me as she was feeling that things had changed. She’d had her colours analysed around 15 years ago and now approaching her 50th birthday, wanted to check if her colours really had changed as she suspected.

At the time, she was analysed as a soft, warm and light colouring type with the Colour me beautiful system. (I’ve talked about previous colour analysis types here and the differing colouring types here if you want to read more.)

After reviewing her features and different shade of colour during a colour review session, Debbie’s colouring had in fact changed.

This time, she was a warm, soft and deep colouring type.

What changed?

Mainly, it was Debbie’s hair colour.

She’d been blonder and lighter during her initial colour analysis. Now, her hair was more golden with auburn tones which impacted her overall features that her dominant colouring type had shifted. Now, the golden, warmer, yellow based tones were much more lifting against her hair rather than the dusty and muted tones of her original dominant palette.

I asked Debbie if she’d found herself not feeling or looking ‘right’ in any of the colours in her swatches. Debbie agreed that some of the cooler, bluer tones of the soft palette didn’t look as flattering as her warmer, yellow tones. They often felt too ‘cool’ for her and she didn’t feel that they were in balance when she saw her reflection.

This is always a tell-tale sign. Whilst you may not be able to identify exactly why, the human eye is always looking for harmony and balance. So, if you’re finding something looks off, you’re probably right! A colour analysis will always help you to identify why and how to wear your best shades of colour.

This dominant colouring type change also impacted the sub-dominant types for Debbie too. She now has a total new set of fabric colour swatches and a much more complimentary palette of colours.

Here’s a comparison of Debbie’s previous swatches versus her new ones:


Debbie sent me this message when she got home.

Thank you so much for today.

It was lovely to meet you and to gain your experience and knowledge on everything about colour, body shape and style personality.

Amy loved observing and we talked about it all, on the drive back to Bury.

Thank you for updating my colour swatches, as part of the colour review. It was really interesting to see the change after all these years since having ‘my colours done’ previously.

As soon as I got back home, I lifted clothes out of my wardrobe that no longer fit the new dominant warm and have put these to one side to pass on to someone else, who will suit them better or will fit with their style personality.

The information about body shape and style personality is great and I am sure once I’ve read the book, I’ll have tons more questions about this too.

Knowing your colours really is life-changing!

To find out, book a colour analysis consultation.

The science behind colour analysis

Did you know there’s a ‘science’ behind colour analysis?

It may not be brain surgery, but there’s more to it than telling someone they look ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in certain colours – don’t forget why!

In this blog, I’ll explain about the system and process I use in my colour consultations.

I have referred to the Alfred Munsell colour system before in my frequently asked questions, so let’s start here.

What’s the Alfred Munsell Colour System?

Albert Munsell was an artist and scientist who invented the Munsell System which define colours into three dimensions:

  1. Value (depth)
  2. Hue (warm/cool)
  3. Clarity (chroma or purity)

In simple terms – it’s a method of describing colours based on human perception.

The system is used across a range of industries from hairdressing to soil research and includes colour analysis.

Colour Analysis Consultations

Not all colour-trained consultants use this method. I found it to be the most logical and sensible way of understanding and interpreting colour.

Applying these categories of colour to your physical features means that when you wear similar shades of colours, they will harmonise with your features creating a positive visual effect and impact.

Each person has a ‘dominant’ colouring type made up from the combination of their hair colour, eye colour and skin tone. From this, you’ll have a secondary and tertiary sub-type made up from a possible 24 categories. This refined combination is your personalised colour palette of up to 48 shades of colour and endless combinations! This full colour categorisation is available through my Complete Colour Analysis Consultation although a basic dominant assessment is also available.

The benefits

Remarkably, everyone really is different. We each see colours in different ways and choose to express ourselves differently too.

It’s not about being told what you ‘can’ or ‘can’t’ wear, but understanding how colour is interpreted and worn for best effect. Knowing certain colours and combinations make you look tired, pale or unwell whilst others make you look vibrant, healthy and younger. It’s often tweaking to a different shade of colour to suit you better.

When you have ‘your colours done’, you’ll gain a greater understanding about colours and how to wear them. By gaining this knowledge, it will help you to build a colourful, coordinated wardrobe which can be mixed and matched easily.

It really is life-changing and I never tire of seeing it!

Get in touch about booking a colour analysis

Read more here