Did you know there’s a ‘science’ behind colour analysis?

It may not be brain surgery, but there’s more to it than telling someone they look ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in certain colours – don’t forget why!

In this blog, I’ll explain about the system and process I use in my colour consultations.

I have referred to the Alfred Munsell colour system before in my frequently asked questions, so let’s start here.

What’s the Alfred Munsell Colour System?

Albert Munsell was an artist and scientist who invented the Munsell System which define colours into three dimensions:

  1. Value (depth)
  2. Hue (warm/cool)
  3. Clarity (chroma or purity)

In simple terms – it’s a method of describing colours based on human perception.

The system is used across a range of industries from hairdressing to soil research and includes colour analysis.

Colour Analysis Consultations

Not all colour-trained consultants use this method. I found it to be the most logical and sensible way of understanding and interpreting colour.

Applying these categories of colour to your physical features means that when you wear similar shades of colours, they will harmonise with your features creating a positive visual effect and impact.

Each person has a ‘dominant’ colouring type made up from the combination of their hair colour, eye colour and skin tone. From this, you’ll have a secondary and tertiary sub-type made up from a possible 24 categories. This refined combination is your personalised colour palette of up to 48 shades of colour and endless combinations! This full colour categorisation is available through my Complete Colour Analysis Consultation although a basic dominant assessment is also available.

The benefits

Remarkably, everyone really is different. We each see colours in different ways and choose to express ourselves differently too.

It’s not about being told what you ‘can’ or ‘can’t’ wear, but understanding how colour is interpreted and worn for best effect. Knowing certain colours and combinations make you look tired, pale or unwell whilst others make you look vibrant, healthy and younger. It’s often tweaking to a different shade of colour to suit you better.

When you have ‘your colours done’, you’ll gain a greater understanding about colours and how to wear them. By gaining this knowledge, it will help you to build a colourful, coordinated wardrobe which can be mixed and matched easily.

It really is life-changing and I never tire of seeing it!

Get in touch about booking a colour analysis

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