
Since seeing you, I’ve been really rethinking about what to wear. It was great and thank you! I’ve been raving about you to everyone now I know how to differentiate with colours


Just wanted to follow up by saying thank you again for my colour analysis appointment – it’s really helping me more and more in my choices. I’ve also just posted a vlog on my experience with yourself – it’s all good!!


Thank you so much for highlighting the reds in my colour palette. I’d have never worn it before but now it’s my absolute favourite! I want to make everything in red now. I feel amazing in it. Definitely buying more red fabric now!


I enjoyed the session once I got over my nerves, but what an eye opener! I have removed all the unflattering colours from my wardrobe and with what’s left, am putting them together in ways I had never thought about – wow!

I’ve even cut up a linen skirt that never fitted right to make a waistcoat which will go with some trousers (made for a party last September and worn once) and a t-shirt.

Your point about jogging bottoms bulking my waistline was noted and I bought some M&S jeggings with a high waist which fit comfortably and look smooth across the waist – Thank-you!

I am enjoying making up my face as now I have more idea of how to do it, those eyebrows are wonderful, I look like me again. Overall, I feel like a teenager when I first learned to sew, trying and experimenting, probably going to make some mistakes yet having fun all the same and this is just the start!



Thank you so much! You really helped me out of the rut I had fallen into and it was a very successful shopping trip! You have a great eye ad were able to gently persuade me to try things I wouldn’t have and give an honest opinion of what works and what doesn’t! Not to mention all the to-ing and fro-ing for different sizes and placing things back on the hangers properly!


I was at a bit of a loss colour-wise and I needed a boost as a big birthday was looming. I found Toni on a google search and decided to visit based on how professional she came across. Now I feel more confident and positive about what to wear.


It was perfect! If I’d had the money, I would have done all the colour and style options available. It’s been extremely valuable and well worth the investment.


I very much enjoyed my session and have been impressed with the information sent since.


I had my colours done with Toni and it was a great experience. I am in the process of de-stashing my fabric for that reason. Toni is fantastic!


It was fun to have the analysis done and I’ve had quite a few emails from Toni since the analysis with further advice about colours. My daughter is really embracing her warm colours, she’s ditched the black and acquired quite a few items in her recommended colours which really suit her!


I can’t recommend Toni and her colour analysis consultations enough!


I had an express colour service by the fabulous Toni and it was so interesting. I learnt a lot about myself and Toni was very personable and knowledgeable.

If I was to pick the colours I like the best, the ones that suit me are the ones I would go for!


I just wanted to say a huge thank you. 

The session far exceeded my expectations! I can’t quite believe that I have a whole different group of colours now! 

Feeling a mixture of excitement and being slightly overwhelmed so it was helpful to receive your email follow up.


Toni at TLC Style & Colour is great and having my colours done has inspired my sewing!


As someone who is registered blind, I have to have colours described to me and can get quite confused.

Toni’s explanation of colour was the best I’ve had and she helped clarify a lot of things for me. She was great at answering all my questions and gave me some great advice regarding clothes and make-up. She has a very warm and friendly personality.

Loved my session and hope to book in some more sessions with Toni soon.


I was at a bit of a loss colour-wise once my hair changed colour and I needed a boost as a big birthday was looming.

After my colour analysis, I feel more confident and positive about what to wear.


I’ve bought 2 x ‘Shop the Look’ look books and have bought two items from them – both are perfect for me!

I wouldn’t have seen or considered them otherwise, so they are definitely worth buying!


Great advice for my body proportions – it’s something I never thought about.

I’ll definitely make more effort with accessories and I know what to be on the look out for when I’m shopping now too


Thank you for a fabulous colour analysis session this week, my sister Rachel really enjoyed it!


I want to say getting my colours done was one of the best things i’ve ever done.

I look at everything so different now, especially with losing weight and looking at new clothes.

Absolutely love it, you’re so talented!


I felt I really learnt a lot today at my style & shape consultation.

I did a little online shop when i got home following your advice and managed to find some high waisted, extra short jeggings which until today, I never knew existed!


Been inspired after our session and been through my wardrobe yesterday.

I’ve ditched at least half of what I own and found gaps which I have listed. I am now being very organised on what I get.

Thanks again. It feels quite liberating.


I do think having a colour analysis is well worth the investment – especially if I think how much money I’ve spent on fabric which has been stashed away for years.

Toni is lovely and highly recommended if you live t’up North!


I booked a colour and style consultation so I could find out what colours and style of clothes suit me.

I already feel more confident in what to look for which will make shopping more enjoyable.

Extremely valuable – worth the investment!


Your seasonal update material is really useful!

A great reference guide and ideas to try new things out.

I really liked the ‘shop the look’ guide with links to clothes which was so helpful!


I really enjoyed the ‘shop the look’ guide and did buy a dress featured in it – it’s very me, so clearly you’re doing it right!

It’s a great tool for trying something different and new colour combos!

Plus, you’ve done all the work and looking forward to your spring edition!


Your ‘Shop the Look’ guide was excellent. Being specific to my colour palette and references to undertone and body shape as well.

I like the variety of shops, some I wouldn’t have thought of visiting and accessories and suggestions of different ways to wear certain items too.

A lot of information packed into relatively few pages!


Really enjoyed the session!

What a difference colour makes!


I finally found some time for myself yesterday to sit down and watch your video (the on-demand seasonal masterclass). It’s great – very informative so thank you!


Many thanks for your time today. The session was super fun, and Ian and myself learnt so much!