Thanks to TV shows like Lorraine, radio interviews*, articles and Tik Tok (more about that here), colour analysis is having a real moment. So what’s all the hype about?

It isn’t some new experience. It’s actually been around for decades! Colour analysis remains my most popular service since I started my colour and style business over 12 years ago.

Colour has a profound effect on how you look and feel. Wearing colours that harmonise with your physical features makes all the difference to your appearance.

As a trained colour analysis consultant, I never tire of seeing the transformation with my clients, or their reaction when they see how impactful it is.

Colour analysis helps you discover the colours which compliment YOU and your features (your hair colour, skin tone and eye colour). You’ll discover how to wear colour, helping you create a more cohesive wardrobe. Make more informed choices, and fewer mistakes too. More and more people are seeking a less cluttered wardrobe. Learning what suits you can help you achieve this.

Wearing your colours improves how you feel in what you wear. It’s an instant boost to your confidence! Many clients tell me how transformative their colour experience has been, and how easier it is knowing what suits them.

During my colour analysis consultations, I show my clients how to make colours work for them, even if they aren’t quite right. The right colours will lift your features and make you look healthier rather than tired, unwell or drained. If something isn’t your most flattering colour, it’s always best to wear it AWAY from your face.

Once you know the right colours for you, you’ll notice how easier it is to ‘match’ things and create outfits that go together, saving yourself time every morning! 

* Listen to this recent interview with my CMB colleague Lindsay. Skip to 15:14 and in under seven minutes, you can hear why the CMB tonal colour analysis system works so well. Listen here.