How to prepare your wardrobe for autumn

Have you found that as the seasons change, your dressing habits change too?

As autumn comes, you begin adding layers and the debate rages about when you should wear your winter coat, put on the winter duvet and let’s not start on the heating!

If you keep peering inside your wardrobe crying out: “I have nothing to wear!” I’m guessing that’s not strictly true. There are no doubt clothes hung up ready to wear. What you’re most likely feeling is that you that have nothing appropriate to wear.

It’s a vicious circle. Especially when you think about the retailers and fashion and advertising. If your email is anything like mine, it’s been pinging away with ‘autumn trends’, ‘the transitional piece you need right now’, ‘top ten must have pieces’ and the like since August!

Whilst tempting, inspiring and seductive, encouraging you to open your purse and part with your hard-earned cash, it’s worth remembering that in a couple of months, some of those ‘on trend’ and ‘popular’ pieces will be on the sale racks. Because the fashion retailers haven’t sold them, and they need to make way for the next set of stock to burst through the doors.

Fast fashion allows everyday folk to buy the hot new trends at affordable prices. But, at what price? I don’t just mean the price tag but on the people involved in the journey from thread to your wardrobe.

People are more aware of the environmental and sustainable impact of the clothes being made. Campaigns like #secondhandseptember from Oxfam encourage people to not buy new and to shop second hand. I was delighted to be asked to get involved in a feature in The Yorkshire Post magazine supplement over the weekend (read it here or check out my Facebook post or Instagram for the article).

Yorkshire post article

Old versus new

When the seasons change, do you really need to buy something new? As a good old fashioned Yorkshire lass, I believe you can and should get your money’s worth from everything you buy! I call it £s per wear and it’s a simple concept. Buy less and wear more and learn how to re-style pieces you already have to remain current; it’s a simple concept and one that your wallet will thank you for.

What have you been wearing?

Have a look at what your most worn item of clothing, footwear and accessories have been over the last few months.

What is it that you loved about them? Work out the £s per wear (cost of item divided by the number of times it’s been worn) and consider if they have been a good investment. Anything under £10 per wear is pretty good but lower is much better!

Consider if you can keep wearing them when it cools down and it’s raining! It might mean wearing them a different way. A summer dress worn with tights or leggings? Maybe with a jumper over the top or underneath.

Have you got something similar?

It’s important to keep checking your wardrobe. Especially before any purchase you make. Otherwise, you run the risk of buying another <fill in the gap of an item you buy on repeat and still only wear one of the five you have> which you don’t actually need.

Fashion tends to repeat itself, so you may already have that must-have top/dress/pair of boots and might need to learn how to restyle it. Check the items you’ve not been able to wear that you got last year before heading out and buying another.

Make a list

I’m not trying to be a boring killjoy but identifying what you actually need is the best place to start. Identify the specifics: colour, style, shape, fit and you’ll make less impulse buys. This is really important if you’re one of those people that tend to buy a top / trousers / boots then realise you have nothing to wear them with when you get home. Should you need help, you can always download my wardrobe charts.

Seek assistance

Sometimes, you just need some guidance on what to buy and what suits you. Especially from someone who is impartial.

I’ll be sharing the colours, the trends and styles to look out for and how to make them work for you!

If you’re thoughtful before you buy, it can make all the difference to your pocket, wardrobe and the planet. It’s becoming more and more frequent that you’ll already have some of these ‘new trends’ in your wardrobe so let me inspire you to make them feel like new again.

Tickets are available at my autumn/winter what to wear workshop. It’s a group event which takes place on Saturday 1 October. There’s a morning session at the studio and a virtual session taking place in the afternoon. If you can’t make it, be sure to look out for my DIY support to be announced shortly.

Read more details here or buy your ticket here for Saturday 1 October.