Style & Image Consultation – Frequently asked questions

A style and image consultation is for you if you feel like you need help identifying how to dress for your body shape and your proportions which reflect who you are and your lifestyle. Not everyone is blessed with perfect proportions and a celebrity budget, but the good news is that you don’t need either; you just need to know how.

These sessions are about putting the pieces of the jigsaw together so that so you can feel confident knowing that you can dress for any occasion and still feel like you.

Here are some of the frequent questions asked in regard to style and image consultations.

“Do I need to have been for a colour analysis before?”

Not at all. Many clients start off with a colour analysis consultation first as it’s the quickest and easiest way to update your image but it’s not essential.

“Will I have to strip off??”

Of course not!

Assessing your body shape and proportions isn’t about getting a tape measure out or assessing you in your underwear! (No offence Trinny and Susannah). Rest assured, you’ll remain fully clothed for the session.

“Do I really need someone to tell me what to wear?”

Only you can answer that! These consultations aren’t about telling you anything! You are an adult after all, so they are more about learning and understanding and gaining knowledge about what suits you, your figure and specifically why and what to look for.

“Won’t you need full access to my wardrobe?”

This isn’t necessary. You’re invited to bring a small selection of clothes from your wardrobe which we can assess during the session. Usually; something that you love wearing, something that you don’t and something which you don’t wear because it doesn’t look or feel ‘right’ and you can’t put your finger on why. These are great ways of highlighting clothes, styles and fabrics which do and don’t work for you. A wardrobe follow session can be booked when I can come and help you with your wardrobe if you need it.

“I don’t have the budget to start my wardrobe all over again, will you tell me to get rid of everything?”

Don’t worry, not many people do have the budget to adopt this approach! Besides, it’s about building and having a wardrobe of pieces that work for you and learning how to work with what you already have as well. If you need a little help, please download my wardrobe charts. You’ll find them here.

“Isn’t a Style and image session expensive?”

How many times have you bought something which doesn’t suit you or you never wear it? It’s this learning and understanding that will help prevent you from making more expensive shopping mistakes. You only have to look in your own wardrobe to see those rash purchases. Take a moment to tot up how much you have spent on things you never wear. I’m confident that the figure will be more than a style and image consultation with me. Prices start from £75 depending whether you choose an online or studio session. Group sessions or events are also available if you’re happy to have a taster or experience it with others.

“I’m unhappy with my current weight so am I best waiting until I’ve shed the pounds?”

That depends on how you feel. Depending on your body, your age, diet, exercise and your family history, you may not change your proportions or your underlying body shape. The size and how you feel certainly will change though and the consultation covers more than just shape but body lines, proportions (such as the position of your waist), fabric, styles and personality to name just a few. Booking a session whilst on your journey may be the confidence boost you need to help you reach your goals. Only you can decide when the time is right for you.

“Isn’t it easier to buy clothes when you’re small with a limitless budget?”

Firstly, size doesn’t matter but shape does. Size is just a number and unfortunately there is no uniform sizing in clothes across retailers. This is why understanding your shape, lines and proportions is so helpful as it focuses your attention on making the most of your good features (yes you do have some). And, how to take attention away from anything you don’t like and dress for you and your body. This is relevant no matter what size you happen to be. There’s far more options available now, it just depends on the retailer. In terms of budget, well money doesn’t always buy style! It’s what you spend your money on that counts and how often you wear things to get value for money.

“What’s the difference between an online and face to face session?”

The principles are still the same for both sessions but they are conducted in a very different way. Face to face sessions are much more detailed, last longer and take place at the studio in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. It’s down to you and what you’d most benefit from.

Here you’ll find details about the in person consultation and here’s the online details.

Ready to book or have a question?

Get in touch:

Identifying your style

Style is a way of dressing and as Ralph Lauren says; it’s personal.

Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.

People tell me all the time that they have ‘no style’ but I disagree.

Everyone has style, it’s just learning what it is and how to use it to represent who you are so that you can feel like you in what you wear.

Taking inspiration

Fashion and celebs are the biggest influences I find. But, how many times have you tried to copy the look only to feel…well, let’s say flat.

That’s partly the problem. You’re not them and your shape, personality and proportions may also differ. This means that it just doesn’t work for you and that’s ok!

It’s how you take the same influences and make them your own so they do suit you, your lifestyle, your body and proportions. Cut out pictures from magazines, save images in a document or pin outfits and images on Pinterest. They’ll help you identify what you love and then it’s about translating that in a way that works for you, your lifestyle and your budget.

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to style remember; it’s simply understanding and wearing clothes that make you feel like you and flatter you to make you look and feel fabulous!

When you don’t feel like you

Do you have things in your wardrobe which you put on then instantly take them off again?

You may even find yourself looking at what you’re wearing in the mirror and wondering why it doesn’t look or feel right. You can’t put your finger on why though.

When you wear items like this, you’ll be uncomfortable wearing them. Often, you may catch yourself fidgeting with what you’re wearing. It’s not quite right.

They don’t quite ‘fit’ you properly; too short or long, too baggy/too tight in certain parts.

Perhaps the colour suits you, but it still doesn’t look right.

Everyone is different. We all have our own sense of style and it actually dictates how something makes you feel, how you shop, where you shop and how you put your outfits together. I refer to it as your style personality. No more boho if you’re not a boho type. No more flouncy florals if it’s too dainty and feminine for you. When you nail your personality type it can help you to create a wardrobe that works for you. It’ll help you avoid further shopping disasters and frustrations too and stop buying things which don’t make you feel good.

Get confident with your style

When you understand why certain styles, the fit and fabric work for you and why things don’t, then it helps you to create outfits and a wardrobe that works for you. It rarely happens overnight, but trust me, it will.

My style and image consultation is aimed at those who need help identifying how to dress for their body shape and proportions which reflect their personality and lifestyle. When you understand all the pieces that make up your image can you put them together and feel confident knowing that you can dress for any occasion and still feel like you.

It’s all about understanding who you are – how you dress tells a story after all.

You’ll find more details about the service here and frequently asked questions here.

To book, simply get in touch with me.


See you soon, Toni x