How to wear colour to boost your mood

Colour has been found to have a profound impact on our mood, as well as how we look.
For me, colour is the easiest way to update your image. It doesn’t require lots of money or time, just a little understanding. It’s also one of the most rewarding and favourite elements of my job as an image consultant.
This feels like a good time to share some tips on wearing colour so that you can feel good in spite of what’s actually going on.

Your appearance

You make a visual statement about how you view yourself in what you wear. It reinforces your self image as when you know you look good, it’s this confidence that shines through. When you don’t feel quite so good about yourself, this can be evidenced in exactly the same way.
At the current time of writing, there’s a global pandemic as a result of the Coronavirus and many people are either working from home or isolating themselves.
Just because you’re sat at home and not seeing anyone, it doesn’t mean that you can’t feel good in what you wear. Plus, thanks to technology, many people are having virtual meetings and as good as your PJs are, what impression does that give to your boss, colleague, business connection or client?
Be honest. When you sit there in your comfies, as lovely as you feel, it doesn’t exactly heighten your mood does it? I love comfy, but I just ensure that my loungewear are in colours which suit me so that I can look good as well as feel good!


The human eye requires balance and harmony. With your appearance, this is achieved between your physical features and what you wear.
When you wear the right shades of colour, they will flatter, enhance and brighten your appearance. Choosing the wrong shades of colour will cast shadows and age you and nobody wants that!
There’s only so many colours which exist – everyone can wear colour it’s simply identifying which shades work best for you and your physical characteristics.
Here’s a few popular colours and psychologically, the impact on not just yourself, but others too.


Psychologically, wearing red gives an air of confidence and being in control. Red is the colour of energy so it’s a great colour to wear if you feel like you need some energy to approach your day. Perhaps even a bit of red lippy 💋
Be careful though as it is also the most assertive, aggressive and attention grabbing of colours. Think of the colour of the stop light at the traffic lights.
Getting the undertone right when wearing red is crucial as if you’re cooler with no warmth in your hair or skin tone then you’ll need a blue based red. If you have these warmer tones, then you’ll be much better suited to a yellow based red.


Seen as safe, peaceful and logical and it’s known to convey trustworthiness as our law and order officials have navy blue uniforms. Equally blues can be seen as cold, unemotional and unfriendly so they may not make the best impression with a new client.


The colour of nature and is worn by the armed forces for camouflage purposes. It’s also seen as a calm and reassuring colour and wearing it can also demonstrate creativity and imagination so why not give it a whirl?


Have you ever found that you just feel a bit down when you wear black? A mood-hooverer and who needs that right now?!
Whilst you may find it easy and safe to wear, it’s not the most suitable for everyone. I often find that people wear it as they aren’t sure what else to wear. They lack the imagination, time or know how and get trapped in black!
It’s a rather authoritative colour and appears not very approachable too, so in a business sense, could this be to your detriment?
If you find that this isn’t the most complimentary colour to wear, try introducing a coloured shirt, blouse, top or scarf.


The one colour which truly reflects light making it the ideal colour to wear in hot climates. Given that the majority of travel is currently at a standstill, perhaps best staying in the wardrobe for now?
This purity makes it hard to wear for most people though as in its purist form, it’s too harsh. Wearing an off white is usually more flattering.
It is clean and hygienic too!


Often seen as a feminine colour though it can suggest empathy, gentleness and compassion. Guys who wear pink demonstrate that they are comfortable with their masculinity. Something which could be really helpful in the current climate.


As a colour, it can indicate sensitivity and be spiritual. Some people have found it helps in meditation and can promote a sense of relaxation which I’m sure is something we would welcome.


I often find that many people have lost confidence in what to wear or just don’t know what suits them which isn’t great for our self esteem. If you do find yourself with a bit of time on your hands, you might be tempted to do a bit of shopping from the comfort of your own home. If you already feel like you’ve got nothing to wear, shopping without any guidance or direction is likely to mean that you’ll end up with the same type of clothes that you’ve already got, or that they don’t work with other items you have in your wardrobe. You might also feel that they don’t suit you, or that you don’t feel like ‘you’ in them.
Don’t despair. This time will pass. But, try not to be tempted to buy what’s fashionable or simply because it’s there. Learn what what works for you and why, then all these bad purchases will be just that. Plus, they will no longer languish in the back of your wardrobe with the tags still on! You can finally stop wasting money on things you never wear!