TLC Style & Colour
Recorded On-demand Masterclass – Capsule Wardrobe

Recorded On-demand Masterclass – Capsule Wardrobe


This Capsule Wardrobe On-demand Masterclass will help you create more outfits from less items, even if you don’t know where to start.

If you get stuck because you don’t know where to start or how to create one, this Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass is for you. It includes the Capsule Wardrobe Workbook and Holiday Capsule Wardrobe workbook, 44 minute pre-recorded video and series of prompts to keep you on track.


Want to create more outfits from less items?


Perhaps you’ve been lusting after a ‘capsule wardrobe’ but get stuck not knowing where to start or how to create one.

You might have read all the articles but still can’t make it work for you.

The numbers, styles or budgets don’t fit how you want your wardrobe to look or how you want to feel.

Maybe you missed the last live group workshop and you’d prefer not to wait until next year.

You actually prefer to work through things in your own time and your own pace.


Having a limited collection of clothes doesn’t have to be so prescriptive or complicated!

Building a capsule wardrobe collection can take time but when you know the steps involved in creating a wardrobe that works for you, it’s so much easier.

With this Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass, you’ll get a practical suite of material to support you.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

– A link to watch a 44 minute pre-recorded video talking you through each of the stages involved (even if you don’t know where to start).

A 32 page digital Workbook to complete which includes tasks and checklists to support and guide you through the process involved. You can download, print or save this and work through it alongside the video or on it’s own if you prefer.

– A series of prompts and tips to help keep you on track so you don’t give up on your dream. These will be delivered via email which you can save and revisit whenever you need. (You can opt out too, but then you won’t have the emails to refer to in the future).

– A Bonus 18 page Holiday Capsule Wardrobe digital Workbook to complete with tasks and checklists to guide you on packing successfully for your next and future trips.


I created this Capsule Wardrobe On-demand Masterclass because I saw so many people get sucked into the ‘you need x number of items’. Each time I read the same articles, I got frustrated because I knew it wouldn’t work! Because the items won’t suit everyone! In my experience as a colour and style consultant, many of these garments won’t flatter everyone’s colouring, their style, shape, lifestyle or even their budget!

Often leaving them feeling frustrated and confused!

But it’s possible to create a wardrobe of your dreams! You just need to give yourself the freedom to explore exactly what YOU need.

After running many successful capsule wardrobe live group workshops, I created this Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass so you can complete it in your own time. It’s difficult finding the right time to run live workshops which suit everyone. And, because it’s ‘on-demand’, it means you can work through it at your own pace.

The Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass is yours to keep. It means you can pick it up, stop and start as many times as you like. The video is yours to watch and listen to it as frequently as you prefer and there’s no timescale on completing the masterclass.

You can complete the Capsule Wardrobe Workbook alongside the video or stand-alone. To help you stay on track, you’ll get a series of prompts by email following your Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass purchase. Simply save them until you’re ready so you can stay on top of achieving your dream wardrobe.

Visit the frequently asked questions here or add to basket to begin your journey.

Physical items will be marked accordingly in the description and will be posted to UK addresses using standard Royal Mail services. No international delivery is available. Digital and electronic items will also be marked accordingly in the description and will be delivered via email to the address entered. All order confirmations and updates will be delivered via email, so please check your spam if you do not receive confirmation of your order or any processing updates. Should you experience any issues, please contact: toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk Unless faulty, no refunds or returns are permitted.

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